Dwellings dating back 800 or 900 years, built into a rock wall

Native American ruins in a place that seems almost inexplicable

Esp 8·06·2024 · 23:14 0

Because of movies, many people believe that Native Americans lived exclusively in cone-shaped tents, known as "tepees."

The Citadel of Cedar Mesa, an incredible fortress of the natives of North America
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However, Native Americans also built stone and brick dwellings and fortifications. In January, we saw the example of Cedar Mesa Citadel in southeastern Utah, a construction by the Anasazi tribe, ancestors of the Pueblo Indians. Today, we will see an even more extreme example.

In March of this year, an American explorer was taking pictures with his drone of some impressive canyons in the southwestern United States. He accidentally found some ancient stone dwellings situated in the high stone walls, in a place that seems almost impossible. The highest one was 55 feet, about 16 meters, in a place almost inaccessible unless one is a very good climber. You can watch the video of this surprising discovery, published by the Youtube channel Desert Drifter:

The video does not indicate which tribe these ruins may have belonged to. The explorer points out that this area is Canyon Country, a community in California located in Los Angeles County. This area is far from the region inhabited by the Anasazi and Pueblo Indians, who are the usual creators of this type of construction. You can see some screenshots from the video here. The explorer found some remains of pottery in the area. He left them where he found them. The design we see is slightly reminiscent of the richly decorated Anasazi pottery.

At the beginning of the video, the explorer found a first dwelling situated 12 feet (3.6 meters) high, very well concealed in the rock wall and with what appear to be loopholes for shooting, something that doesn't make much sense since these constructions can be between 800 or 900 years old. You can see the interior of that first dwelling in the video.

Here we see the most inexplicable houses. They are made of stones. What kind of danger led the inhabitants of this place to build in such extreme places? It is an enigma. It is also difficult to explain how they were able to get the stones up there to build the house. This whole place is a great mystery.

Furthermore, there are traces of rock art on the rock wall next to this almost inaccessible dwelling. I hope that archaeologists can shed more light on this.

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