"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
He depends on allies who are very comfortable with his favors to Russia

The measures that Sanchez has not wanted to take to stop favoring Russia

Rulers should not be judged by their promises or their propaganda, but by their actions, which are often much poorer.

A mentality that values ​​professions preferred by men more

Sánchez and 'gender stereotypes', or how to despise the vocations of many women

It uses its Twitter channel to deny genetic differences between the sexes

The far-left uses the Ministry of Health to promote an anti-scientific ideology

A quote about truth that appeared on the Internet around 2020 or 2021

An alleged quote attributed to Saint John Paul II and a brief reflection on it

An exclusion promoted by the dictatorship imposed by Stalin in Poland

When the UN excluded Spain because it was a dictatorship, at the request of another dictatorship