This blacklist of Jews was published by an Italian communist group

Facebook labels as 'incitement to hatred' a post criticizing an antisemitic blacklist

Esp 9·26·2024 · 7:05 0

Ideological censorship on Facebook is reaching extremes that I can only describe as purely surreal.

A communist party copies the nazis and publishes a blacklist of Jews in Italy
Facebook's algorithm identifies a cross as 'graphic violence' and censors it

At the end of August, I reported here the case of a communist organization that published a blacklist of Italian Jews. It is a case that has generated great controversy in Italy, although little has been said about it outside that country, perhaps because for some, when antisemitism is far-left, there is nothing to criticize.

The post I made on my Facebook profile denouncing that blacklist of Jews published by a communist organization.

On August 29th, I posted my article in Spanish on my Facebook profile. Yesterday, I was surprised to find that Mark Zuckerberg's company had labeled my post as "incitement to hatred", and added: "We don't allow people on Facebook to attack someone because of their identity." Maybe Facebook didn't like the text I posted when linking my article:

"This far-left group already praised Hamas's terrorist attack against Israel in October. Once again, Nazism and Communism are shown to be the same scum."

The notification from Facebook informing me that my post will have its circulation reduced because it is considered to "incite hatred."

As you can see, in that text I was not attacking anyone for their identity, but I was criticizing a clearly antisemitic action such as publishing a blacklist of Jews, an action that is very reminiscent of nazi practices. In addition, I was also criticizing two totalitarian ideologies, nazism and communism: is this what Facebook thinks is wrong? Furthermore, Facebook has not even allowed me to appeal that decision.

The most astonishing thing about all this is that this antisemitic communist group has a Facebook page. Not only has Mark Zuckerberg's company not deleted this page despite its manifest anti-Semitism, but Facebook has not even censored the post in which this group linked to its blacklist of Jews. This is the world turned upside down: Facebook considers it "incitement to hatred" to report this antisemitic act, but not the antisemitic act itself. By acting in this way, Facebook behaves like an accomplice to antisemitism.


Foto: Solen Feyissa.

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