A place of great beauty that is crossed by the Escalante River

A silent hike through Coyote Gulch, a beautiful oasis in a remote canyon in Utah

Esp 10·22·2024 · 23:01 0

The southeastern part of Utah, in the Rocky Mountains, is an arid region that is home to spectacular landscapes.

The spectacular Breitachklamm, the deepest rock gorge in Central Europe
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Among these landscapes is Coyote Gulch, a 40-kilometer-long canyon. The bottom of the canyon, with a sandy bed, hides a beautiful oasis fed by the Escalante River. In addition, erosion has sculpted the rocks and created surprising arches and whimsical shapes, making this place a magnet for nature lovers.

A few months ago, Nicholas Eager posted a beautiful video of a silent hike he took through Coyote Gulch, showing off its sheer beauty without uttering a word. If you find yourself in the area someday, Nicholas has posted some tips on his website about hiking Coyote Gulch.

Below these lines you can see a preview of what you will find in this video. And I will say no more. Nicholas is right in that when faced with a gem like this, words are superfluous.

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