A frontal offensive against rights protected by the Constitution

The PSOE document with attacks on fundamental rights at its 41st congress

Esp 11·30·2024 · 17:21 0

The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) has long since settled into ideological coordinates typical of the extreme left.

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Clear proof of this drift is the so-called "Framework Report" of its 41st federal congress (see PDF), a document riddled with attacks on fundamental rights, as can be seen by reviewing that document.

The PSOE's aberrant attack on the right to life

The most repulsive of all the socialists' attacks on fundamental rights has as its victims the weakest and most defenceless. In point 332 of the document, the PSOE intends to introduce abortion into the Constitution as a right, referring to it as "the right to voluntary interruption of pregnancy", a cynical euphemism to disguise the act of killing an innocent human being in the mother's womb.

If the PSOE achieves this goal, it would create the paradox that a Constitution that protects the right to life (as reflected in Article 15) would also include a "right" to kill human beings before they are born for the mere fact that they are not wanted or have some defect. An aberrant and cowardly crime against those who cannot even defend themselves.

PSOE's attacks on religious freedom and Catholics

In point 332, the socialist document attacks religious freedom by defending what it calls "policies of religious neutrality in public acts and representation of the State". The socialists want public officials not to be able to express their beliefs, as if Spain were a confessionally atheist country. It should be noted that the PSOE's attack on religious freedom is not directed against all religions equally: it proposes repealing the 1979 agreements with the Catholic Church (which served to develop the rights of Catholics in Spain, who are the majority of the population) but not the agreements signed with other religions, including Islam.

With this plan, the socialists may end up giving more rights to Muslims than to Catholics in a traditionally Catholic country, while Christians suffer all kinds of discrimination and even persecution in Muslim countries.

The PSOE's attack on freedom of expression and information

In point 318 of its document, the PSOE targets digital media and social networks, as it has been doing for months, attributing to them the responsibility for the growth of "disinformation", a cynical accusation from a party that systematically resorts to lies. With the same cynicism, in point 335 the PSOE demands "transparency and accountability" from social networks and the media, while Pedro Sánchez remains the most opaque president of our democracy.

At the same point, the socialists state: "We cannot let the enemies of democracy use the anonymity of the networks and freedom of expression to spread hoaxes." Is this a self-criticism of both the PSOE and its allies? Let us remember that the socialists and their allies refused to condemn the crimes of communism in a parliamentary vote. Now that is being enemies of democracy.

As part of their censorship campaign, the socialists are demanding "the creation of verification systems for all media, social networks and messaging systems", under the pretext of "informing citizens of false content and discouraging its circulation." A demand from the same PSOE that described the reports of its corruption scandals as "hoaxes". We can therefore imagine what the "verification" demanded by the socialists would consist of.

The PSOE's attack on freedom of education

Point 156 of the document states: "We have the challenge of educating in gender equality." A challenge that is oriented towards a euphemism that confuses gender with sex and that has been used by the PSOE to disguise gender ideology, https://www.outono.net/elentir/2020/11/27/the-spooky-ultimate-purpose-of-gender-ideology-explained-by-one-of-its-creators/a movement that emerged from the extreme left and whose promoters sought to abolish the family and normalize incest and pedophilia. Socialists have been attacking freedom of education for decades, in an effort to impose their ideas on society, disregarding the right to freedom of education recognized by Article 27.3 of the Spanish Constitution:

"The public authorities guarantee the right of parents to ensure that their children receive religious and moral education that is in accordance with their own convictions."

The PSOE has never recognised this right and believes that politicians should decide for families on moral issues, something that in any country is a clear attack on a fundamental right, but which also, in the case of Spain, is like putting the wolf in charge of looking after the sheep: what family would entrust the moral formation of their children to a Socialist Party mired in corruption scandals? By what right do unscrupulous politicians seek to impose their aberrant ideological dogmas on the children of others?

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