Russia launched more than 70 missiles and more than 100 suicide drones

Putin's 'traditional values': he attacked Ukraine with missiles and drones on Christmas Eve

EspУкр 12·25·2024 · 20:41 0

Russia has again attacked civilian targets in Ukraine on Christmas Eve, using dozens of missiles and suicide drones.

A beautiful Christmas message from a country immersed in a terrible war
Russia attacks the city of Kiev with missiles, damaging Saint Nicholas Catholic Cathedral

While millions of Ukrainians were celebrating the birth of Jesus (Ukrainian Orthodox Christians have abandoned the Julian calendar used in Russia), Putin launched a massive attack on Ukrainian civilians: "Today, Putin deliberately chose Christmas for an attack. What could be more inhumane? Over 70 missiles, including ballistic ones, and more than a hundred attack drones. The targets are our energy infrastructure. They continue to fight for a blackout in Ukraine", Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a message posted this morning on his Twitter account.

"According to preliminary reports, our defenders managed to shoot down more than 50 missiles and a significant number of drones. Unfortunately, there have been hits. As of now, there are power outages in several regions. Power engineers are working to restore power supply as soon as possible", Zelensky added.

Yesterday, at 21:49 CET, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced: "As of 8:30 p.m. Kyiv time, 1 person has been killed, and 14 more have been injured."

Recall that last year, Russia also launched an airstrike against Ukraine on Christmas Eve, using fighter jets and 31 Iranian-made Shahed 136 drones. In the attack, two Russian Air Force fighter jets have been shot down.

There are people who believe that Putin is a great defender of Christianity and "traditional values", an idea that does not fit with the behavior of a criminal who ordered an invasion against a neighboring country without any provocation and who is committing all kinds of atrocities against Ukrainians, systematically directing attacks against the civilian population, in a strategy of terror that is very reminiscent of the one used by Hitler in World War II with the V1 and V2. Now Putin not only orders the murder of civilians, but he does so in the middle of the Christmas holidays, demonstrating that more than Christian values, what the Russian dictator has are Satanic values.

You can see some photos from last night's attack here. Once again, I fully support Ukraine against Russian terrorism.


Main photo: Reuters. Other photos: Volodymyr Zelenskyy / MFA of Ukraine.

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