Spain continues to witness new scandals related to the socialists and involving the commission of alleged crimes.
The Supreme Court considers the criminal evidence against the Attorney General to be 'supported'
In a statement published this morning, the Supreme Court has summoned the Attorney General of the State and the Provincial Prosecutor of Madrid as investigated "considering the criminal evidence against both of them to be supported", in the case it is pursuing for a crime of revealing secrets related to the illegal leak of an email from Isabel Díaz Ayuso's boyfriend, a case that has uncovered a dirty war against political rivals of the government.
The Supreme Court's note states, in relation to the Attorney General, that "what the proceedings carried out so far indicate, with a high degree of plausibility, is that, for now, there is an indicative basis to presume the relevant participation of this person under investigation in that leak, to the extent that he was the person who directed the steps that led to it, taking advantage of the situation of superiority that he held over other prosecutors, who were willing to put themselves at his disposal."
The involvement of the presidency of the government and related media
Furthermore, the Supreme Court's statement specifically points to the two pro-government media outlets to which this confidential information was leaked: and
The statement adds: "in the summary of the proceedings, the judge includes that the same email dated February 2, 2024 was circulated from the Attorney General's Office to the Presidency of the Government," which would have been sent to from La Moncloa, the seat of the presidency of the government. On this point, the investigating judge states:
"Upon arriving at the Presidency of the Government, Juan Lobato Gandarias, spokesman for the Socialist Group of the Madrid Assembly, was made available to the witness in order for him to use it, with a clear political purpose, in the intervention that he would have on the morning of the 14th in the Plenary Session of said Assembly, who, in a first transmission received from him, raises his doubts as to whether it had been published in any media, to the point that he asks for confirmation of this fact, because, as he would say on WhatsApp that he sends at 08:44:19 «Because if not it seems that the prosecutor's office gave it to me», or in the one he sends at 09:00:49 «And Pilar wants me to get the email from the prosecutor's office. It hasn't come out but I should get it. It can't be»"
The investigating judge added the following: "The Presidency of the Government is taking steps to publish in the media «» the email dated February 2, 2024 between Alberto González Amador's lawyer and the prosecutor, where it appears, but with the personal data covered, which is the one shown in the Assembly by Juan Lobato, and which was not in the email that he had previously received from the Presidency."
A crime punishable by up to 4 years in prison
When Lobato himself revealed the leak in November, I already pointed out here that this indicated that La Moncloa participated in a crime punishable by up to four years in prison, a crime of revealing a private individual's secrets, as defined in Article 417.2 of the Penal Code. With the note published today, the Supreme Court confirms what I indicated then in that article.
We are faced with a fact of extraordinary gravity: the involvement of the government in a crime punishable by prison to attack a political rival, an example of the mafia-like use of power as part of a way of thinking that believes that the end justifies the means and that socialists can do whatever they want, even break the law, in order to achieve any objective they set themselves.
It is urgent that the Spanish people be called to new elections
This same government is the one that a few days ago promoted a law of impunity to prevent judges from continuing to investigate these crimes, in a way of governing that is increasingly reminiscent of the socialist dictatorship in Venezuela, in which a criminal mafia uses power to violate fundamental rights and cling to power in an unscrupulous exercise of it.
The Sánchez government is rotten to the core and has no other purpose than to continue as long as it takes to prevent its scandals from being investigated by the courts and to obtain absolute impunity for those involved. Today it is especially urgent that the Spanish people be called to new elections that allow us to remove this mafia from power. The government's allies will have to take a stand: either they call for new elections supporting a motion of censure (because it is evident that Sánchez is not going to resign even if several judicial convictions fall on him) or they become accomplices of this criminal exercise of power, with all the consequences.
Photo: La Moncloa.A meeting between the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, on September 4, 2024.
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