New and creeping attack on freedom of speech of the Catholics

A Gay Group Seeks to Silence an Archbishop by Falsely Accusing him to the Prosecutor

The Spanish Observatory against LGBT-phobia announced yesterday that it has filed a complaint to the Provincial Prosecutor of Granada against the Archbishop of that city, Monsignor Javier Martínez.

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They accuse the archbishop of calling the LGTB 'sick' and 'unintelligent'...

The title of the note published by the gay group, which indicates on its website that is subsidized by the Ministry of Health, accuses the prelate of an "apology of hate speech by considering that the collective LGTBI has a 'pathology'" in a homily pronounced last February 14. In addition, the text of the note of the aforementioned group accuses the archbishop of "promoting a hate speech against LGBT people, in addition to spreading a writing whose content foments hatred and discrimination against people by their sexual orientation and identity gender, calling them 'sick' and 'unintelligent.'"At the end of the note, the whistleblower includes a link to the homily in which the archbishop would have said such things.

... in a homily in which the Archbishop neither said that nor spoke of gays

Well, reviewing the homily in question we can see that in it the archbishop made no mention of the LGBT group, homosexuals or transsexuals. He did not even mention sexual orientation or same-sex relationships. The words "sick" and "unintelligent" that this gay group attributes to the archbishop of Granada, quoted, and with which according to that organization the prelate would have referred to the collective LGTB, also do not appear in the homily: they have been invented by the complainants. They are using a lie to silence the prelate, simply because they do not share their opinions. And they have done it, apparently, without reading what Article 456 of the Penal Code says:

1. Those who, with knowledge of their falsehood or reckless contempt for the truth, impute to some person facts that, if true, would constitute a criminal offense, if this imputation was made before a judicial or administrative official who has the duty to proceed to his investigation, will be sanctioned:
1. With the penalty of imprisonment from six months to two years and a fine of twelve to twenty-four months, if a felony is charged.
2. With the penalty of a fine of twelve to twenty-four months, if a misdemeanor is charged.
3. With the penalty of a fine of three to six months, if a minor offense is imputed.

Is there an ideology that is forbidden to criticize?

In fact, what the Archbishop of Granada did in this homily is to criticize the gender ideology, which is totally legitimate and forms part of the exercise of its freedom of speech, a right that the Autonomous Govern of Andalucía does not respect, because yesterday the Counsellor of Equality and Social Policies, María José Sánchez Rubio, said it was "absolutely intolerable" that the prelate criticized that ideology, as if there was an ideology that is prohibited to criticize in a democracy. It should be remembered that the aforementioned ideology, formulated by a marxist and radical feminist, supports the idea that the sex of people is not determined by biology, but is a mere social construction. A totally questionable thesis, but some try to impose us by authoritarian attitudes, censuring all criticism to it.

These are the pitfalls of the LGTB group in its persecutory campaign

This is not the first time that the Observatory has used a false accusation to attack those who do not share their opinions. In August of past year, in a statement, he accused of "a brutal death threat" that had actually launched a Twitter user with no relation to that citizen platform. The gay group itself made clear its false accusation by publishing the documents of the complaint presented by the aforementioned Observatory before the National Police Corps -can be seen here-, a report in which it did not cite

On the other hand, on June 30, 2015, that Observatory denounced the priest Santiago González Alba, a parish priest of Seville, accusing him -as now the archbishop of Granada- of violating Article 510 of the Penal Code. The denunciation was shelved, just as all the complaints filed by LGBT groups against bishops who committed no other crime than to disagree with the ideology of the complainants have been shelved to date. In fact, Colegas -the gay group promoting the aforementioned observatory- received in 2014 a reprieve from a judge after a complaint against the Bishop of Malaga, a complaint filed by the magistrate stating that the prelate "is protected by freedom of speech and religious freedom." In addition, the judge questioned the veracity of the complaint: "there is no certainty that the version contributed is in line with reality."

They complain that judges defend freedom of speech

In view of these precedents, the Observatory said in its communiqué yesterday: "It is unheard of for the Spanish justice system to file again and again all the denunciations about the hate speech made by numerous members of the Catholic Hierarchy and the 'hate lobby', based on freedom of speech and freedom of religion, when both rights must have certain limits." That is, they submit complaints based on information that is untrue or even openly false, with the intention of penalizing the legitimate exercise of a constitutional right, and even dare to complain that judges do not help them in their persecution campaign against freedom of speech.

From here I express my support for the Archbishop of Granada against this persecution campaign. I am already tired of some pretending to turn Spain into an LGBT dictatorship in which it is forbidden to disagree with the opinions of certain lobbyists.


(Photo: Archdiocese of Granada)

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