They pulled him out of a burning car in which the man was trapped

The heroism of three Spanish soldiers who saved the life of a father

Esp 7·17·2024 · 20:35 0

The Spanish Armed Forces are full of men and women whose work involves risking their lives in the defense of the Nation.

The distinctive garments of the regulars of the Spanish Army explained by two soldiers
The deployment of military helicopters of the Spanish Army in Ceuta for an exercise

That in itself is something worthy of admiration. Furthermore, it is about a vocation for service and a spirit of sacrifice that represent a way of understanding life, projecting beyond their work in barracks, air bases, ships, aircraft and naval bases. We see this on a daily basis in the actions that Spanish soldiers and sailors carry out to help others and even save lives, when they are not on duty.

This Tuesday, the Army told what happened in an accident on the Northeast Highway (A-2) towards Zaragoza. Three Spanish soldiers who were traveling on that road "saw how a vehicle lost control, spinning and catching fire."

The Army adds: "Inside a family with the mother, two small children and the father, who was trapped inside". It was a critical situation and one that could have ended with several people dead, but the three soldiers intervened: "With the vehicle on fire they decided to act, they broke the car door and were able to rescue the father". About these lines you can See the photo published by the Army that shows how the car ended up. That father of the family could have been burned to death if it had not been for those three soldiers.

The Army has congratulated these three heroic soldiers: "With their meritorious performance they avoided a tragic end. Proud to have the best in our ranks!"

The heroes of this story are the three who appear at the head of this entry, from left to right:

  • Regular Corporal Fabián Correa, from the Group of Ceuta Regulars No. 54 (GREG 54).
  • Soldier Adrián García, of the Airmobile Forces of the Army (FAMET).
  • Regular Antonio Núñez, from GREG 54.

My applause for these three Spanish soldiers. It is a pride to know that we have people like them in our Armed Forces. I hope the three are decorated for this action.

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