Three months ago they jointly supported regularizing 500,000 illegal immigrants

The complicit role of Feijóo and the Popular Party in Pedro Sánchez's immigration bomb

Esp 8·28·2024 · 17:14 0

Sanchez's announcement of 250,000 jobs for immigrants has sparked criticism among the parliamentary opposition in Spain.

Pedro Sánchez adds a migration bomb to his scorched earth policy in Spain
The great favor of all the Spanish parties except Vox to the illegal immigration mafias

The PP accuses Sánchez of “encouraging a call effect”

From the Popular Party, its national president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has criticized Sánchez's announcement with a message on Twitter stating the following: "It is irresponsible to encourage a call effect in the worst crisis of irregular migration. Instead of going to Africa to fight the mafias, Sánchez promotes Spain as a destination. The opposite of the rest of the EU."

In turn, the PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel Tellado, has pointed out: "What Sánchez did yesterday from Mauritania is an irresponsible call for illegal immigration." On the other hand, the Popular Party, through its national Twitter account, has stated: "How do they pretend to lower unemployment? Not counting inactive fixed-term unemployed as unemployed. How do they make you believe that it is the end of the independence movement? Giving them everything they demand. And what about illegal immigration? By legalizing it. The PSOE does not solve problems, it hides them and lies to you."

Vox points out that Sánchez does this “with the help of the Popular Party”

From Vox, its national president, Santiago Abascal, has criticized Sánchez's announcement and has also pointed out the role of the PP: "They are promoting an invasion. They do it with the help of the Popular Party and all their international masters. From Úrsula to Kemala. The Spanish are going to have to start defending themselves. But for real. Because the governments (that of Moncloa and that of the autonomous regions) have directly betrayed them, swindled them and sold them out."

In April, the PP supported regularizing 500,000 illegal immigrants

Abascal's statement linking the PP to Sánchez's announcement is not an invention. Let us remember that in April Congress approved the processing of a bill to regularize 500,000 illegal immigrants, by means of a modification of the immigration law. Vox was the only party that opposed it and the PP supported the initiative, voting alongside the PSOE, the far-left and the separatists.

After that vote, Abascal already warned: "Mr. Feijóo has just supported something much worse than regulating half a million illegals. They have supported (the entire Congress except VOX) the business of the mafias that brought them, they have amplified the call effect and they will make many more come under the same conditions."

Feijóo torpedoed regional governments with Vox for giving in to Sánchez on immigration issues

Three months later, ignoring Vox's warnings that such a measure would have consequences for the regional coalition governments with the PP, Feijóo announced that the communities governed by the PP would take in 400 illegal immigrant minors, as requested by the Sánchez government, which does nothing to stop illegal immigration and is dedicated to distributing illegal immigrants throughout Spain.

Two days later, Vox left the regional governments with the PP, pointing out that Feijóo made the decision to give in to Sánchez "knowing that his government partner -Vox- in several regions of Spain did not agree and was very concerned about it, and he did so by condemning insecurity, the call effect, occupations, crime and an increasingly higher economic cost for all Spaniards."

Sánchez deceived Feijóo with his distribution of illegal immigrants throughout Spain

A few days after torpedoing regional pacts with Vox, Feijóo found himself trapped by his pact with Sánchez to distribute immigrant minors throughout Spain: initially there were 400 immigrants but in less than two weeks the number rose to 6,000. Feijóo decided to trust the word of a compulsive liar and in doing so he stumbled upon a new deception. Who would have imagined it?

Feijóo and the PP have acted as accomplices of Sánchez

By voting three months ago alongside the left to regularise 500,000 illegal immigrants and by giving in to Sánchez’s demands to distribute those arriving throughout Spain instead of returning them to their country, both Feijóo and the PP became accomplices to Sánchez’s immigration bomb. Now they are using criticisms that could be applied to the PP for what it voted for in April and for what it agreed with Sánchez in July. Once again, the PP is proving to be a party without principles and that mocks its voters, as it has been doing for years.


Photo: La Moncloa. Pedro Sánchez greeting Alberto Núñez Feijóo on the occasion of a visit by the PP president to La Moncloa palace.

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