A newspaper says that the PP considers the amnesty 'squeezed out'

After distancing itself from Vox, the PP is getting closer to the separatists of Junts and PNV

Esp 9·15·2024 · 19:07 0

Both the PSOE and the PP have given oxygen to the separatists for decades, making pacts with them and granting them all kinds of concessions.

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Days after causing the rupture with Vox, Feijóo is trapped by his pact with the PSOE

These agreements have served to generate more and more inequality among Spaniards and violate fundamental rights in matters related to language policy and school indoctrination, two issues in which the PSOE and the PP have been turning a blind eye to separatist abuses for years and even imitating them in communities such as Galicia, Catalonia, the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands.

The current president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, seems determined to continue betting on this fatal drift that has finally served to embolden the separatists and carry out the 2017 coup in Catalonia. Today, one of the media closest to the PP and which usually publishes leaks from the top of that party, the newspaper La Razón, states that Feijóo considers the amnesty "squeezed out" and will seek "the help of PNV and Junts to make visible the parliamentary solitude of the socialists" . The news from La Razón is not an isolated one. Other media close to the PP, such as El Mundo, Esdiario and El Confidencial published similar leaks this week.

In case anyone has forgotten, Junts was one of the perpetrators of the 2017 separatist coup, a coup that was supported by the PNV from the Basque Parliament, in company of the pro-ETA party EH Bildu.

Let us not forget that two months ago, Feijóo provoked the breakdown of the regional government pacts between the PP and Vox to sign a migration pact with the PSOE, a pact that, as Vox warned, has only served to increase the call effect for illegal immigration and thus increase the business of the mafias that traffic in human beings.

Let us also remember that on May 30, the PP stated that the amnesty was "a frontal attack by the Government on the Rule of Law" which placed us in "the worst moment of democracy". Only four and a half months have passed and the PP is now forgetting about this attack to get closer to those who have collaborated in it. Once again, the PP itself makes clear the degree of solidity of its principles.

What the PP leadership may not have thought through is that Feijoo's new turn leaves Vox as the only firm bastion against separatism in Parliament. Only Vox will be able to make a clear and uncompromising opposition to the separatists, because the PP will be too busy courting those who have hatred of Spain as their banner. I have lost count of the number of times I warned about the kind of person Feijóo is when he was president of the Galician government. Now the Spaniards who live beyond Padornelo have the opportunity to see it too.


Photo: Partido Popular.

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