it is used as a scapegoat by anti-democrats on the extrema left

Spain has become the world's best method for detecting idiots

Esp 9·27·2024 · 7:00 0

I am Spanish and I love my country for many reasons: for its history, for its culture, for its landscapes and for its good people (of which there are many).

Spain did not commit any genocide in America: what it did was to end one
This is how Putin's Russia has been supporting the anti-Spanish black legend

Obviously, that doesn't mean that I like everything that has happened in the history of Spain or all the people who have been born in my country, but I certainly believe that we Spaniards can say that our history has many more lights than shadows, however much some insist on promoting a black anti-Spanish legend for political reasons.

This black legend has its promoters today inside and outside Spain. The second part may seem normal, since promoting hatred of another country is one of the oldest methods to hide the vices and abuses of a political regime. For example, the most mediocre politicians in Latin America promote hatred of Spain to distract attention from the disaster they have caused.

Just look at the cases of the far-left leaders of the Venezuelan dictatorship and their friends in Mexico, two sister countries that have been dragged into a critical situation by the extreme left; in Venezuela, a socialist regime that has plunged a rich oil-producing country into misery; and in Mexico, an ultra-left government that is complicit in the extremely high levels of violence suffered by the Mexican people. The socialist leaders of Venezuela and Mexico encourage Hispanophobia for the same reason that Hitler promoted antisemitism: to make people believe that their country's problems are due to a fictitious "enemy."

Of course, the current problems in Mexico and Venezuela are due exclusively to the political regimes in these countries and to those who support them. Among their supporters, there are certainly Spanish communists, but the vast majority of the fans of these regimes are Venezuelans and Mexicans. If the peoples of Mexico and Venezuela want to find those responsible for their bad situation, they do not have to leave their borders: the guilty ones live among you, dear brothers.

I have said above that there are also promoters of the anti-Spanish black legend in Spain. Indeed, in Spain there are Spaniards who hate their own country and who actively promote this hatred. The paradox that occurs in Spain and that does not occur in almost any other country is that these Hispanophobes are allies of the government of Pedro Sánchez, formed by a coalition of socialists and communists, and among the latter there are fans of the Hispanophobic charlatans from the other side of the Atlantic. Like them, the Hispanophobic Spaniards believe that all the evils of Spain would end up destroying Spain.

The Hispanophobic charlatans inside and outside Spain have a common denominator: they deceive people by using Spain as a scapegoat to blame for all evils. This way of trying to deceive people is not new in history. The Hispanophobes do nothing original: essentially, what they are doing is a deception as crude and perverse as that of those who use Jews, blacks, the rich or Christians as scapegoats.

I think it is necessary to make a warning: this kind of speech is common among those who want to liquidate democracy. The use of scapegoats is one of the characteristics that can be observed in anti-democratic movements such as communism, nazism and fascism, three franchises of socialism that have used this method of deception in a massive and criminal way, with tragic effects.

You will not see any democrat in Europe blaming his country's problems on the Roman conquest, on classical Greece, on Norman invaders, on Berber pirates or on the barbarian invaders of the 5th century. Anyone making such a speech would be taken for an idiot, and rightly so, and precisely these anti-Spanish speeches are designed to fool idiots. Thanks to these speeches, Spain is today, by far, the world's best method for detecting idiots.


Photo: Elentir.

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