The culture of death pushes us down a slippery slope in Spain

Blacklisting doctors who refuse to take unborn lives: what will be next?

Esp 10·01·2024 · 6:58 0

Last Saturday, Pedro Sánchez's government announced a 4.8% increase in abortions in 2023 compared to 2022 in Spain.

Not 'interruptions': 2.86 million abortions in Spain explained without euphemisms
11 common arguments in favor of abortion and the reasons that prove them false

The figure of 103,097 unborn children murdered in a single year (to give us an idea, it is almost the same as killing all the inhabitants of the cities of Orense or Gerona) must not have seemed sufficient to the coalition government of socialists and communists, which continues to insist that Spain needs immigrants because there are not enough people, while financing the murder of unborn children in Spain.

Yesterday, the Minister of Health, the ultra-leftist Mónica García, announced the creation of a register of doctors who object to abortion, that is, a blacklist of doctors who refuse to take lives, who refuse to betray their professional duty to cure and save lives. Sánchez's pro-abortion government wants to turn doctors into executioners, so that they agree to be accomplices in a monstrous practice that consists of killing the weakest and most defenseless human beings.

Last Sunday I already warned here of what it means to legalize a crime like abortion. In a society that calls the act of killing innocent human beings a "right", which considers the mere fact that an unborn child is unwanted to justify the imposition of the death penalty, how can we expect other pillars of our civilization not to be undermined? Add to that the risk we face in Spain due to the fact of supporting a government that supports an ideology, socialism, that already has a long tradition of violating fundamental rights.

Let's imagine what will happen next: will those of us who say that abortion is killing an innocent human being be persecuted? Will we be threatened with censorship, fines or jail? Perhaps we will see the public naming of doctors and other health personnel who refuse to collaborate in the criminal -yes, criminal- practice of killing and dismembering a human being in the mother's womb? Will we see those in power dictate the illegalization of pro-life associations?

Some will accuse me of exaggeration, believing that something like this would be unthinkable in a democracy. I am sorry not to be so optimistic: from the moment that a society accepts the murder of unborn children as normal, everything is possible. On the other hand, in this situation we can see more clearly than in any other the reason for the quote attributed to Edmund Burke that appears on the cover of this blog: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." It is this, the thunderous silence of the good, that makes it easier for the culture of death to push us onto a slippery slope in Spain.


Photo: La Moncloa.

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