The socialist newspaper compares Auschwitz with the policies of Giorgia Meloni

If everything is Auschwitz then nothing is: the trivialization of the Holocaust in El País

Esp 10·19·2024 · 20:53 0

The antisemitism promoted by much of the Western left has an increasingly uncomfortable stumbling block in the Holocaust.

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For some time now, a growing section of the left has been trying to equate the Holocaust with the legitimate defense of the State of Israel against Hamas terrorism. The false accusations of "genocide" leveled against Israel by the left are ultimately aimed at equating the Jewish state with those who tried to exterminate the Jewish people - a vile form of antisemitism.

This form of anti-Semitism has already been denounced by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which included in its definitions of anti-Semitism the following: "applying double standards by asking Israel to behave in ways that are not expected or required of any other democratic country" and "drawing comparisons between Israel's current policy and that of the Nazis."

There is another IHRA definition of antisemitism that some overlook: "blaming Jews as a people or Israel as a state for fabricating or exaggerating the Holocaust." Many people routinely equate this definition with discourse that denies or downplays the Holocaust. However, another way of downplaying the Holocaust is now all too common: trivializing it.

Today, the socialist newspaper El País publishes an article entitled "The skeleton of Auschwitz", (you can read it in full here), in which Auschwitz is compared to the Guantanamo prison and to the detention centres for illegal immigrants in Europe. In its last paragraph it states: "The shadow of the skeleton of Auschwitz is dawning on European migration policy, which has taken a turn after adopting the proposal of Giorgia Meloni."

Let us remember that the Holocaust was the planned extermination of millions of people in order to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the Earth. Comparing this to a prison for terrorists like Guantanamo or to detention centers for illegal immigrants is a nauseating example of the trivialization of the Holocaust. published by a media outlet that is very hostile to the State of Israel and whose publishing group has among its largest shareholders an influential relative of the Emir of Qatar, an Islamist regime that is an enemy of Israel.

Bearing this in mind, it is easier to understand what may be behind this statement in the article published today by El País: "Far from being an anomaly in the history of Europe, it is the excessive expression of what happens again and again. For this reason, Auschwitz cannot enjoy the prestige of mysticism." It is the old leftist technique to manipulate language and empty words of all meaning: if everything is Auschwitz, then nothing is, and therefore the Jews have nothing to complain about the fact that this town suffered an attempt at extermination, since according to this thesis spread by the socialist newspaper, it was nothing exceptional. It is disgusting to read something like this in one of the most influential newspapers in Spain and in a medium openly aligned with the Sánchez government, the most anti-Semitic government in Europe. Now many things are being explained.

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