Their actions have been benefiting the Venezuelan dictatorship for years

Never forget: the Spanish political parties that are accomplices of Nicolás Maduro

Esp 1·10·2025 · 6:57 0

Venezuela is experiencing decisive hours for its inhabitants to finally free themselves from Maduro's terrorist regime.

PSOE votes against demanding dictator Maduro to end repression in Venezuela
The list of Spanish politicians, all from the extreme left, who endorse Nicolás Maduro

This criminal has been ruling Venezuela as a dictator for 12 years, resorting to electoral fraud to legitimize himself, using violence to suppress the democratic opposition to his dictatorship, violating human rights, allying himself with other criminal regimes such as those of Cuba, Russia, Iran, communist China and Nicaragua, and leading the Venezuelan people to economic ruin that this country, so rich in oil resources, had never suffered before.

Spanish parties that openly support Maduro

In addition to the aforementioned dictatorships, Maduro's criminal regime has accomplices in other countries, including Spain. These accomplices include those who are very direct (expressly supporting his dictatorship) and those who favor this dictatorship with their votes, tolerating its crimes and refusing to condemn them. Let's start with the former. These are the Spanish parties that openly support the dictator Nicolás Maduro:

  • Communist Party of Spain (PCE): On August 6, this totalitarian party, known for supporting all kinds of communist dictatorships, claimed that Maduro won the elections, despite the fact that the dictator did not present a single document to support such a thing, while the democratic opposition did. Let us remember that in Pedro Sánchez's government there are two PCE members: Vice President Yolanda Díaz, who is also Minister of Labor, and Sira Rego, Minister of Youth and Children.
  • Podemos (We Can): on July 29, through its international secretariat, this far-left party claimed that Maduro won the last presidential elections, something that is absolutely false.
  • Izquierda Unida (United Left): This far-left coalition showed its support for Nicolás Maduro on July 29, falsely claiming that he had been re-elected, despite evidence of new fraud.
  • EH Bildu: through its international account, this far-left separatist party, which has never condemned ETA terrorism, congratulated Maduro as the winner of the elections on July 29, despite having lost them.
  • Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG, Galician Nationalist Bloc): This far-left separatist coalition, which has also been supporting Cuba's communist dictatorship, claimed on July 30 that Maduro was the winner of the elections, something that is clearly false.
  • Unión do Povo Galego (UPG, Union of the Galician People): This separatist and communist party, which is part of the BNG (whose only national deputy is a member of the UPG), affirmed Maduro's victory on July 29, despite his electoral defeat.
  • Candidatura d'Unitat Popular (CUP, Popular Unity Candidacy): On July 29, the far-left separatist party declared Maduro the winner of the election despite having lost the election.
  • Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE): This far-left party, a split from the PCE that has also supported the brutal communist dictatorship in North Korea, declared Maduro's "victory" in the elections on July 30, despite having lost the elections.

Seeing the support of these parties for the Maduro dictatorship, we can get an idea of ​​what they want for Spain and what they would do here if they had enough support to govern and impose their entire ideological agenda.

Spanish parties that support Maduro's dictatorship

In addition to those mentioned, there are other Spanish political parties that act as accomplices with their votes and their inaction, voting against any initiative to condemn the Maduro dictatorship and refusing to recognize the legitimate winner of the elections in Venezuela, Edmundo González. They are the following:

Never forget what these parties have done when the Venezuelan people were asking for freedom, when they were suffering a dictatorship that violates human rights and plunges the people of Venezuela into misery, when millions of Venezuelans were asking for international support to be able to live in a democratic country again. With their complicit attitude towards Maduro's dictatorship, the Spanish left and far-left are demonstrating what idea they have of democracy, and what they are capable of doing to put their ideology above fundamental rights.


Photo: GBV.

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