Yesterday, the terrorist group Hamas freed three women who have lived through 471 days of horror at the hands of that criminal organization.
An exchange of 3 hostages for 90 criminals
This release is not a humanitarian act by Hamas: it has exchanged those three hostages for 90 Palestinian prisoners, who were in Israeli prisons for various crimes (such as incitement and identification with terrorism and disturbing public order) and none of whom were from Gaza, as 12 of them are from East Jerusalem and the remaining 78 are from Judea and Samaria. This is not a "hostage exchange," as some media outlets have claimed (in a new attempt to equate a democratic country like Israel with a terrorist organization), but an exchange of 3 hostages for 90 criminals.
The manipulations of El País, which has a relative of the Emir of Qatar among its shareholders
One of the most nauseating things to read about this exchange is this text published yesterday by the Spanish socialist newspaper El País, belonging to the PRISA group, one of whose shareholders is a relative of the Emir of Qatar, one of the Islamist regimes that support Hamas terrorists. In October 2023, a few days after the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel, El País published a long article about Hamas without using words like "terrorist", "crime" or "criminal", after that murderous gang perpetrated the greatest massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust.
El País does not speak of 'kidnapping' and omits that the hostages were held captive for 471 days
Yesterday, the socialist newspaper produced a similar article (and I call it "text" because I refuse to call it "news"). This time El País does not speak of "terrorists" or even use the word "kidnapping", although it does refer to the freed women as "hostages" and "kidnapped", since it is obvious that they had not gone to Gaza of their own free will or on vacation. The PRISA newspaper says that Israel has spent 466 days attacking Gaza, but "forgets" to indicate that these three women have spent 471 days kidnapped. What kind of media outlet hides this information when talking about such a long kidnapping?
An infamous expression to avoid saying that Hamas killed 1,200 people
After estimating the number of dead in Gaza at 46,913, citing as a source "the health authorities in the Strip" (i.e. Hamas, a criminal organisation that has been publishing false death figures since the beginning of the war it provoked), El País explains how this war began as follows:
"The Israeli offensive began in October 2023 following the surprise attack by Hamas that left nearly 1,200 corpses and more than 250 hostages. Nearly a hundred are still in the hands of the Islamist militia."
Torturing, raping and murdering 1,200 men, women, children and babies, in some cases burning entire families alive in their own homes, according to El País, is leaving almost 1,200 corpses, as if they had died of a heart attack. The fact that a terrorist group is called a "militia" is something that we should remember every time El País uses the word "militiamen" to refer to the gangs of armed criminals that abounded in the rearguard of the red zone during the Spanish Civil War.
Two fingers amputated by a gunshot whose perpetrators El País pretends to be unaware of
About the hostage Emily Damari, aged 28 and with dual British and Israeli nationality, El País says that "she appears with her left hand bandaged" because "she lost two fingers after being shot when she was kidnapped". Further down, in the same text, El País again omits the authorship of these shots and limits itself to saying: "She was wounded by bullets and shrapnel when she was captured". According to the Royal Spanish Academy, "to capture" is "to seize or take someone prisoner, especially a criminal". Emily was not a criminal, but an innocent civilian who was in her home when it was attacked by terrorists. Emily was kidnapped.
If Emily has two amputated fingers, it is because she was shot in the hand by Hamas terrorists as she tried to comfort her dying dog, which was also shot by those criminals when they raided Emily's home in Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7, 2023.
In Spain we are already accustomed to the socialist sectarianism of El País and its biased and manipulated news. It is a propaganda medium whose main purpose is not to present facts, but to hammer down reality to fit it into the dogmas of the left. With this text published yesterday, the PRISA newspaper once again demonstrates that it is the voice of its masters and its work is not journalism, but propaganda.
Photo: AP.
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