The non-separatist Catalonia has demonstrated once again in Barcelona to express its rejection of the illegal and undemocratic declaration of independence and to support the unity of Spain.
Concentration in front of the headquarters of the National Police in Barcelona
The mobilization began this morning at 10:00 before the Police Headquarters in the Via Laietana, where various associations -among them the Movimento Cívic d'Espanya i Catalans, Somatemps, Convicencia Cívica Cartalana, Regeneració Democràtica, el Moviment Cícic 12-O and the Teachers Association for Bilingualism- had convoked an act of support for the National Police. As in other demonstrations against separatism convened in recent weeks, there was the famous song "Y viva España" by Manolo Escobar, as well as shouts in favor of the Civil Guard and the National Police, slogans of "Viva Cataluña española", "TV3 manipulation" (in reference regional television controlled by the separatists) and "Puigdemont to prison", in reference to the coup leader, as we see in this video of Las Voces del Pueblo:
"Qué viva España, Puigdemont a prisión" ante @policia en #Barcelona
— Las Voces del Pueblo (@lasvocesdelpue) 29 de octubre de 2017
The three major non-separatist parties, united in the manifestation of SCC
The manifestation of 12:00 noon, convoked by the Societat Civil Catalana, had the support of other Catalan civic associations and for the first time had the support of the Party of the Socialists of Catalonia (PSC), in addition to the participation of the Popular Party and Ciudadanos. The march has united people of very different ideologies but who agree in their rejection of the separatist coup d'état. As other times, the demonstration has been a sea of flags of Spain, Catalonia and the European Union, as reflected in this video by Carmela Ríos:
Barcelona. Así está Gran Vía de Les Corts. #TotsSomCatalunya
— Carmela Ríos (@CarmelaRios) 29 de octubre de 2017
The conveners have estimated attendance in more than one million people. Europa Press has published a awesome video of the demonstration seen from a helicopter:
Imágenes aéreas de la multitudinaria manifestación en Barcelona bajo el lema #TotsSomCatalunya
— Europa Press (@europapress) 29 de octubre de 2017
During his speech, the Socialist Josep Borrell claimed the flags of Spain, Catalonia and Europe as part of the identity of the Catalans (video of Roger Domingo):
Borrell: "Pongámonos todos a trabajar para que el día que votemos echemos al gobierno nacionalista" #TotsSomCatalunya
— Roger Domingo (@RogerDomingo) 29 de octubre de 2017
The manifestation of SCC has ended with the National Anthem, as this video of Las Voces del Pueblo shows:
Finaliza del #29O con himno de España. Cataluña Silenciosa: Comunistas con el líder de esta formación, Derecha y Isquierda juntos en BCN
— Las Voces del Pueblo (@lasvocesdelpue) 29 de octubre de 2017
Spanish residents in London are manifested by the unity of Spain
In social media mobilization has also been noticed. The motto of the demonstration, #TotsSomCatalunya (We are all Catalonia), has become a worldwide trending topic in Twitter. In addition, and as happened on October 8, Barcelona has not been the only scene of the mobilization against the separatist coup. Spanish residents in London also demonstrated at Piccadilly Circus with Spanish, Catalan and European flags to express their support for the unity of Spain (video of SCC International):
#WeAllAreCatalonia #TotsSomCatalunya
Piccadilly Circus, London:— SCC International (@societatcc_int) 29 de octubre de 2017
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