Hebe de Bonafini described the terrorists who attacked the US as "brave"

A part of the Spanish government praises a fanatic who supported the 9/11 attacks

The ideological and moral dunghill that is the extreme left seems to have no limits when it comes to extolling the most perverse and miserable people.

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Hebe de Bonafini, known for being one of the founders of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo group, which brought together relatives of the disappeared and murdered during the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983, died yesterday. strong>The leftist extremism and fanaticism of Bonafini led to the split of that group, with the appearance in 1986 of a new group, Madres de Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora, which rejected the atrocities that Bonafini used to launch.

Hebe de Bonafini supported the 9/11 attacks and described the terrorists as "brave"

One of the most repulsive examples of these atrocities was an article by Bonafini published by the far-left website Nodo50 celebrating the attacks on 9-11: "When the attack happened and I was in Cuba visiting my daughter, I felt joy. I'm not going to be a hypocrite, it didn't hurt me at all. It didn't hurt at all", she affirmed, adding: "I felt that there were many peoples at that moment that were happy and I felt that the blood of so many at that moment was avenged."

In that article, Bonafini called "brave" to the terrorists who committed those attacks, killing 2,996 people: "They declared war with their bodies, driving a plane to crash and do shit to the highest power largest in the world", she stated. Immediately afterwards, she insisted: "I was happy, why not. Some will find it wrong. Each one will evaluate and think. I'm not going to be false. I toasted my children, I toasted so many dead, against the blockade, for everything that came to mind. I toasted to the brave. I toasted to the men who made a declaration of war with their bodies."

Bonafini's anti-Semitic response to a journalist who reproached her for her words

Following those statements, journalist Horacio Verbitsky, president of the NGO Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), called Bonafini "bloodthirsty and childish, and pathetically naive". The far-left activist's response publicly exposed another of the usual ideological vices of that part of the political scene: anti-Semitism. Bonafini called Verbitsky "Jew" and "pro-North American", something that provoked a protest from the Association for the Defense of Independent Journalism of Argentina, in addition to numerous criticisms of Bonafini.

Bonafini's support for ETA prisoners and his insults to Spain

Before those events, in 1999, Bonafini already caused another controversy by supporting the prisoners of the terrorist group ETA, accusing Spain of waging a "war" and stating that "the worst of Francoism is still in force on Spanish soil". A year later, in November 2000, reiterated his support for ETA prisoners and called Spain a "terrorist state", some outbursts for which other Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo stood out from her, in addition to receiving numerous criticisms in Spain, both from the right and from the left.

Bonafini's support for the dictatorships of Cuba, Iran and Venezuela

Bonafini's leftist fanaticism also led her to express her support for the Islamist dictatorship in Iran, after an Argentine judge ordered the arrest of some Iranian leaders for their involvement in the 1994 terrorist attack against the Jewish mutual AMIA in Buenos Aires. She also openly supported the Cuban communist dictatorship, including stating that she felt "enormous love for Fidel Castro". Along the same lines of supporting everything that was related to the extreme left, no matter how disgusting it was, she also supported Venezuelan tyrants Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro.

Several Spanish government ministers praise Bonafini

Seeing his record of supporting criminals and dictators, it was predictable from whom she would receive laudatory messages. The second vice president of the government of Spain, the communist Yolanda Díaz, has described Bonafini as a "tireless fighter for human rights". It is sure that the democrats of Cuba, Iran and Venezuela and the victims of 9/11 and ETA do not think the same.

The Minister for Equality of the Spanish government, the communist Irene Montero, has also praised Bonafini, saying: "She leaves us an example, militancy, memory, dignity and struggle". Is it an example, memory and dignity to celebrate some terrorist attacks in which they were murdered 2,996 people?

The also Minister of Social Rights of Spain Ione Belarra has described Bonafini as "an example of democratic dignity". A statement that refers to a supporter of the dictatorships of Cuba, Iran and Venezuela, is like calling a member of the Ku Klux Klan an "example of anti-racism".

In the same line of infamy, the secretary of the Communist Party of Spain and deputy of Unidas Podemos Enrique Santiago has called Bonafini a "world leader in the fight against Impunity". It os sure that he was not referring to the impunity of the terrorists of ETA and Al Qaeda and the dictators of Cuba, Iran and Venezuela.

Likewise, the former Vice President of the Government of Spain Pablo Iglesias has praised Bonafini qualifying it as "one of the great references of the dignity of the peoples who fight for their democratic memory and for human rights". It is sure that he was not referring to the peoples of Cuba, Iran and Venezuela...

The extreme left behaves like a sect in which anything goes

Once again, it is demonstrated that the extreme left is a pit of infamy morally comparable to nazism. The communists do not care that Bonafini was a person whose hatred could reach the vileness of celebrating such attacks brutal like 9/11. She was a left-wing extremist and for fanatics like her that's all that counts. I think we are often wrong to characterize the extreme left as a political position: actually, they behave as if they were a sect.

For the rest, that several people who are part of the current government of Spain are extolling such a miserable person shows the serious problem that our country has. It is a shame that a democratic Nation has totalitarian fanatics capable of supporting someone like that in its government. This should serve as a warning to the Spanish people: the dictatorships that these fanatics support in other countries may end up being repeated in Spain. And let's not forget that those extremists are in the government of Spain because Pedro Sánchez and his socialist friends have wanted it.


Foto: Reuters/Andres Stapff. Hebe de Bonafini junto a los tiranos Hugo Chávez y Fidel Castro en Córdoba, Argentina, en julio de 2006.

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