One more year, and as is traditional, many soldiers, sailors, civil guards and police officers will once again parade in Holy Week processions in Spain.
The attendance of the military, civil guards and uniformed police officers at processions is strictly voluntary and is not incompatible with the non-denominational nature of the State, as indicated by the Constitutional Court in its Ruling 34/2011: "when a religious tradition is integrated into the social fabric as a whole of a certain group, it cannot be argued that through it the public powers intend to transmit support or adherence to religious postulates."
Below you can see a list of the processions and other acts that are traditionally attended by the Armed Forces and the State Security Forces and Bodies. It is possible that some information is incorrect and other processions with military presence are missing. If you see missing data or any incorrect data, please, indicate it in the comments of this entry or through the mailbox on the web. Thank you so much!
Passion Saturday, April 1 | |
Huelva | Traditionally in the morning the Legion guards the Cristo de la Vera Cruz. In the afternoon, the Legion usually parades from the Plaza del Punto to the Placeta de Méndez Núñez, to form before the parish of La Concepción. Finally, they transfer the Cristo de la Vera Cruz to Méndez Núñez street. |
Málaga | Traditionally, the Legion guards the honor of the Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte in Mena, in the Santo Domingo chapel. |
Vera (Almería) | Traditionally the Legion escorts the Cristo de la Vera Cruz. |
Palm Sunday, April 2 | |
Ferrol (La Coruña) | Traditionally, Army personnel escort the Cristo de la Buena Muerte belonging to the Venerable Third Order of San Francisco. |
Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz) | Traditionally the Legion holds a parade in the Plaza de Vasco Núñez. |
Málaga | Traditionally, the Legion guards the honor of the Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte in Mena, in the Santo Domingo chapel. |
Melilla | Traditionally the Tercio "Gran Capitán" 1st of the Legion escorts the throne of María Santísima de Gracia y Esperanza in the Procession of Our Father Jesus in his Entry into Jerusalem. |
Ponferrada (León) | Traditionally, at around 8:30 p.m., the USAC "Santocildes" of Astorga of the Army escorts the transfer to the Castle and enthronement of the Cristo de la Esperanza. |
Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) | Traditionally, the Procession of the Borriquita is escorted by the Parachute Brigade (BRIPAC) War Band of the Army. |
Holy Monday, April 3 | |
Algeciras (Cádiz) | The Tercio Duque de Alba 2nd of the Legion will escort the procession of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary of Europe and the Brotherhood of Jesus Tied to the Column. |
Cáceres | Traditionally, the Troop Training Center No. 1 (CEFOT 1) of the Army escorts the procession of the Christ of Battles, of which it is an Honorary Brother. |
Granada | Traditionally, agents of the National Police Corps escort the Brotherhood of the Prayer of Our Lord in the Huerto de los Olivos and María Santísima de la Amargura from the Convent of the Commanders of Santiago, in the afternoon. |
Lugo | Traditionally, members of the Navy participate in the procession of the Virgen de la Esperanza. |
Málaga | Traditionally the Legion makes the honor guard to the Holy Christ of the Good Death in Mena, in the chapel of Santo Domingo. |
Melilla | The Civil Guard has a tradition of participating in the procession of Our Father Jesus before Pilate. |
Orihuela (Alicante) | Traditionally the Parachute Brigade (BRIPAC) escorts the Samaritan procession. |
Seville | Since 2018, the Military Emergency Unit (UME) has escorted the Virgen del Rosario. |
Zamora | Traditionally, members of the Civil Guard, the Army and the Air Force escort the steps of the procession of ex-combatants, Jesus in his Third Fall. |
Holy Tuesday, April 4 | |
Cartagena (Murcia) | Traditionally, the Tercio de Levante of the Marine Infantry participates in the Procession of the transfer of the Apostles, and the Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment nº73 of the Army escorts San Juan Evangelista and Santiago Apóstol. |
Ceuta | Traditionally the Legion escorts the Brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno and Most Sacred Virgin of Hope. |
Cuevas de Almanzora (Almería) | Traditionally, the passage of Nuestra Señora de las Angustias is escorted by the War Band of the Legion Brigade (BRILEG). |
Elche (Alicante) | Traditionally the Legion escorts the Holy Christ of Forgiveness. |
Ferrol (La Coruña) | Traditionally, Army personnel escort the Christ of the Good Death. |
Granada | Traditionally, the Civil Guard escorts the Brotherhood of La Lanzada from its departure from the Parish of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores. |
Jaca (Huesca) | Traditionally, the 64th "Galicia" Infantry Regiment of Mountain Hunters of the Spanish Army escorts the Processional Paso of the Brotherhood of the Blood of Christ, of which it is the Honorary Elder Brother, in the procession of Silence. |
Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) | Traditionally an Offering Mass of the Land Army is celebrated in the Convent of the Capuchin Fathers. |
Lugo | Traditionally, the VII "Galicia" Brigade (BRILAT) of the Spanish Army forms in front of the Town Hall and participates in the procession of the Good Jesus. |
Málaga | Traditionally the Legion carries out the Guard of honor to the Holy Christ of the Good Death in Mena, in the chapel of Santo Domingo, and the Parachute Brigade carries out the Guard and Custody of the Christ of Souls of the Blind. |
Plasencia (Cáceres) | Traditionally, agents of the National Police Corps escort the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Column that leaves the Church of Santo Domingo at night. |
Holy Wednesday, April 5 | |
Algeciras (Cádiz) | The Group of Regulars of Ceuta nº54 will escort the Brotherhood of Penance of Jesus in the Presentation to the People (Ecce Homo). |
Antequera (Málaga) | Traditionally, the Legion escorts the Lord of Greater Pain. |
Cartagena (Murcia) | Traditionally, the 73rd Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment of the Spanish Army participates in the Magna Procession of the Arrest, escorting the throne of the Virgen del Primer Dolor. |
Elda (Alicante) | Traditionally, reservists from the Armed Forces participate in the Tralado Procession, escorting the passage of San Juan and the Tres Marías on the way to the Holy Sepulcher. |
Ferrol (La Coruña) | The Procession of the Christ of the Navigators has the tradition of entering the Arsenal and is usually escorted by the Navy. |
Granada | Traditionally, the Navy escorts the Virgen del Rosario from the Church of Santo Domingo, and the Local Police escort the Brotherhood of Patience and Sorrows from the Church of San Matías. |
Huércal-Overa (Almería) | Usually, the Cristo de la Misericordia is escorted by the Group of Regulars of Melilla nº52 of the Army. |
Jaén | The Legion traditionally participates in the Procession of the Good Death. |
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | The Music Unit of the Group of the General Headquarters of the Canary Islands Air Command of the Air Force has the tradition of participating in the procession of the Holy Encounter of Christ. |
Lugo | The Civil Guard has the tradition of escorting the passage of the Christ of Forgiveness. |
Madrid | The Civil Guard has a tradition of escorting the procession of the Christ of the Gypsies, which leaves the Parish of Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the afternoon. |
Málaga | Traditionally the Legion carries out the guard of honor to the Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte in Mena, in the chapel of Santo Domingo. Likewise, the Civil Guard usually accompanies the Archconfraternity of Expiration as an honorary older brother. The Parachute Brigade has the tradition of escorting the Cristo de Ánimas de Ciegos, and the National Police usually escort the Brotherhood of the Rich. |
Melilla | Usually, the Tercio "Gran Capitán" 1st of the Legion and the Self-propelled Field Artillery Regiment (RACA) nº32 participate in the procession of the Nazarene. |
Oviedo | Traditionally, the Infantry Regiment "Príncipe" nº3 of the BRILAT escorts the steps of N.P. Jesus Nazareno, Lord of Oviedo. |
El Parador de la Asunción (Almería) | Usually the Legion escorts the Christ of the Good Death. |
Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura) | The Soria Light Infantry Regiment nº9 of the Army usually participates in the Procession of the Encounter. |
Sevilla | The 74th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment of the Army has the tradition of escorting the Brotherhood of San Bernardo. |
Valencia | The National Police Force usually escorts the Procession of Mercy, at night. |
Holy Thursday, April 6 | |
Albacete | Traditionally, agents of the National Police Corps carry the image of Cristo de la Paz on their shoulders in the Calvary Procession. |
Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) | Traditionally, the throne of Jesús de Medinaceli is escorted by members of the National Police Corps and by veterans of the Paratrooper Brigade. |
Almería | Traditionally the Legion escorts the Christ of the Good Death. |
Aranda de Duero (Burgos) | Traditionally, the Air Force participates in the procession of the Santísimo Cristo del Milagro. |
Avilés (Asturias) | Traditionally, reservists from the Armed Forces participate in the Procession of Silence, escorting the procession of Veronica and the procession of the Virgin of Sorrows and Saint John the Evangelist. |
Badajoz | The National Police Corps has the tradition of escorting and carrying on their shoulders the image of the Christ of Forgiveness in the Procession of Solitude. |
Ceuta | The Tercio Duque de Alba 2º of the Legion and the Group of Regulares of Ceuta nº54 of the Army have the tradition of participating in the procession of La Encrucijada. |
Córdoba | The Legion has the tradition of escorting the Christ of Charity. |
Elda (Alicante) | Armed Forces reservists usually participate in the procession of Silence, escorting the passage of the Reclining Christ. |
Ferrol (La Coruña) | Traditionally, the VII "Galicia" Brigade (BRILAT) of the Army participates in the procession of the Holy Christ of Mercy and Holy Mary of Mercy. |
Gandía (Valencia) | At night, the Legion has a tradition of escorting the Procession of the Christ of the Good Death from the Ducal Palace. |
Granada | Traditionally, the Army escorts the Holy Christ of the Redemption and Our Lady of Health, who leaves the Church of Mary Help of Christians (Salesians). Likewise, agents of the National Police Corps have the tradition of escorting the Brotherhood of the Aurora. |
Huércal-Overa (Almería) | The Tercio de Levante of the Marine Infantry has the tradition of participating in the procession of the Virgen de las Angustias. |
Javalí Nuevo (Murcia) | Traditionally, the Parachute Brigade (BRIPAC) of the Army participates in the procession of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno. |
Jaén | The Civil Guard has a tradition of participating in the Procession of Cristo de la Vera Cruz, which due to its connection with the Benemérita is known in Jaén as the Procession of the Civilians. |
Lorca (Murcia) | The Legion has a tradition of escorting the Santísimo Cristo del Rescate in the Paso Blanco procession. |
Madrid | Members of the Civil Guard and the Air Force have the tradition of escorting the processional steps of Nuestro Padre Jesús del Gran Poder and María Santísima de la Esperanza Macarena. |
Málaga | The War Band and the Company of Honors of the Tercio "Gran Capitán" 1º of the Legion and the Music Band of the Brigade of the "King Alfonso XIII" Legion will disembark at the Dock Attached to the Levante Dock at 10:30 a.m. in the morning from the ship "Contramaestre Casado" A-01 of the Navy. Once disembarked, they will parade through the Plaza de la Marina, Alameda Principal, Puente de Tetuán, Avenida de Andalucía, Nazareno del Paso, Plaza de Lola Carrera, Cerezuela, Plaza de La Legión Española and Plaza Fray Alonso de Santo Tomás, where they will escort the solemn transfer of the Christ of the Good Death of Mena to his processional throne. The Inspector Colonel of the Cavalry Weapon and a representation of this Weapon from the Army always participate in the Zamarrilla Procession. A representation of the Air Force, from the Malaga Air Base, usually accompanies the Cofradía de la Misericordia every year. |
Melilla | The VII Light Antiaircraft Artillery Group (GAAAL 7) of the Army has the tradition of escorting the passage of Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo de Medinaceli. The Company of the Sea of Melilla usually escorts the Virgen del Rocío. |
Olula del Río (Almería) | The Legion Brigade has the tradition of escorting the Christ of the Good Death. |
Oviedo | Traditionally, the Civil Guard, Asturian students from the Naval Military School of the Navy and reservists of the Armed Forces participate in the Procession of Jesus Captive, escorting the passage of Jesus Captive and that of Our Lady of Mercy. |
Ronda (Málaga) | Traditionally the Tercio "Alejandro Farnesio" 4th of the Legion escorts the Christ of the Good Death. |
Segovia | Traditionally, Civil Guard agents and students from the Army Artillery Academy participate in the procession of Our Lady of Solitude at the Foot of the Cross and the Most Holy Christ in His Last Word. |
Setenil de las Bodegas (Cádiz) | The Southern Tercio of the Marine Infantry has the tradition of escorting the Brotherhood of Santa Vera Cruz. |
Soria | The Civil Guard has a tradition of escorting the Brotherhood of the Virgen de la Soledad. |
Valladolid | In the afternoon, agents of the National Police Corps have the tradition of escorting the passage of "La Quinta Angustia", which starts from the Church of Santa María la Antigua. |
Vélez-Málaga (Málaga) | The 52nd Melilla Regular Group of the Army has the tradition of escorting the passage of Jesús Nazareno el Rico and María Santísima de la Piedad. |
Vigo | A Squad of Sappers from the VII "Galicia" Brigade (BRILAT) and the Army War Band participated in the Procession of Jesus of Silence last year. |
Holy Friday, April 7 | |
Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) | The Civil Guard usually escorts the Procession of Silence, at night. |
Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga) | The Legion has the tradition of making the guard of honor to the Cristo de la Vera Cruz in the morning and of escorting him in the afternoon in the transfer and the procession. |
Álora (Málaga) | The Parachute Brigade (BRIPAC) of the Army usually escorts the Farewell Procession. |
Antequera (Málaga) | The Tercio de Armada of the Marine Infantry and the Group of Regulars of Melilla nº52 of the Army usually participate in the Procession of the Cofradías del Socorro and de la Paz. |
Archidona (Málaga) | Traditionally the Legion escorts the Christ of Mercy, and the Civil Guard accompanies and escorts Our Father Jesus of Humility. |
Astorga (León) | The 62nd Field Rocket Artillery Regiment (RALCA) of the Spanish Army has the tradition of participating in the Procession of the Holy Burial. |
Avilés (Asturias) | The Infantry Regiment "Principe" nº3 of the BRILAT usually participates in the Procession of Our Lady of Solitude and Santa Vera Cruz, escorting the "Lignum Crucis" Passage. |
Calahorra (La Rioja) | Traditionally, agents of the Local Police participate in the Great Procession of the Holy Burial, escorting the passage of the Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and agents of the Civil Guard usually escort the passage of the Sepulcher. |
Campillos (Málaga) | Traditionally the Legion participates in the procession of the Holy Burial. |
Cartagena (Murcia) | The Tercio de Levante of the Marine Infantry has the tradition of participating in the procession of the Holy Burial. In addition, the 73rd Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment of the Army usually escorts the Cristo de la Lanzada. |
Ceuta | The Tercio Duque de Alba 2nd of the Legion, the Group of Regulars of Ceuta nº54, the General Command of Ceuta (COMGECEU) and the Engineer Regiment nº7 of the Army usually participate in the Good Friday processions. |
Córdoba | The Legion has a tradition of escorting the Christ of Charity. |
El Ejido (Almería) | Usually the Legion escorts the Christ of the Good Death. |
El Pardo (Madrid) | The Royal Guard has the tradition of participating in the Procession of Christ. |
Ferrol (La Coruña) | In the procession of the Holy Burial, the urn is usually escorted by personnel from the Civil Guard and the Northern Tercio of the Marine Infantry. In the procession of Soledad, Army personnel have the tradition of escorting the passage of the Blessed Virgin of Soledad. |
Gijón (Asturias) | Reservists of the Armed Forces have the tradition of participating in the Procession of the Resurrection, escorting the Paso del Santo Entierro and the Paso de la Soledad. |
Granada | In the afternoon, the Legion has the tradition of escorting the Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte from the Parish of San Juan de Letrán (Cofradía de los Ferroviarios). Students from the National Police Academy and members of the Brotherhood of Former Legionary Knights of Granada also regularly participate in the procession. A representative of the Army Training and Doctrine Command (MADOC) usually participates in the Holy Burial procession. |
Huércal-Overa (Almería) | The Legion has a tradition of escorting the passage of the Holy Sepulcher of the Redeemer. |
Huesca | Transport Group IX/41 of the Logistics Support Group No. 41 (AALOG 41) of the Spanish Army usually escorts the Christ of the Holy Burial. |
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | The Music Unit of the Group of the General Headquarters of the Canary Islands Air Command of the Air Force usually participates in the great inter-parish Procession. |
Málaga | The Marine Infantry has a tradition of participating in the Procession of the Holy Sepulcher. |
Marbella (Málaga) | The Legion usually participates in the procession and transfer of the Lying Christ. |
Madrid | The Royal Guard has the tradition of participating in the Procession of the Christ of the Alabarderos, from the Puerta del Príncipe of the Palacio de Oriente to the Military Cathedral. |
Melilla | In the procession of the Holy Burial, the Company of the Sea of Melilla usually escorts the throne of the Holy Reclining Christ, while the Civil Guard usually escorts the passage of María Santísima de los Dolores in her Soledad, and the Tercio "Gran Capitán" 1st of the Legion escorts the Santísimo Cristo del Socorro. |
Murcia | The Parachute Brigade (BRIPAC) of the Army has the tradition of participating in the Procession of the Salzillos. |
Pontevedra | The Civil Guard, the War Band of the "Galicia" Brigade VII (BRILAT) of the Army and the Music Band of the Naval Military School of Marín traditionally participate in the Holy Burial procession. |
Pulpí (Almería) | Traditionally, the Legion and the Civil Guard escort the passage of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno. |
San Fernando (Cádiz) | The Southern Tercio of the Marine Infantry has the tradition of participating in the Holy Burial procession. |
Setenil de las Bodegas (Cádiz) | The Quartermaster Corps of the Army and the Group of Regulars nº54 of Ceuta have the tradition of participating in the procession of the Holy Burial of the Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz. |
Seville | Members of the Tablada Air Station of the Air Force usually escort the Brotherhood of San Isidoro. The Brotherhood of the Hope of Triana is usually escorted by the General Corps of the Navy, and the Cristo de la Tres Caídas by the Marine Infantry. |
Soria | The Civil Guard has a tradition of escorting the Brotherhood of the Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross at noon and the Brotherhood of the Holy Burial of Christ in the afternoon. |
Tuy (Pontevedra) | The Miño Naval Command of the Spanish Navy has the tradition of escorting the Procession of the Steps, in the morning, and the Procession of the Holy Burial, at night. |
Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real) | The XII "Guadarrama" Armored Infantry Brigade of the Spanish Army usually participates in the Procession of Fallen Jesus. In last year's procession the Patrol also participated of Honors of the Air Force. |
Valencia | The National Police Force usually escorts the General Procession of the Sacred Passion of the Redeemer. |
Vélez-Málaga (Málaga) | The Legion has a tradition of escorting the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows. |
Vigo (Pontevedra) | Traditionally, agents of the Local Police carry the image of Cristo de la Fe on their shoulders in the Procession of the Virgen de la Soledad, which leaves at 8:00 p.m. from the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Calle Rosalía de Castro). In addition, last year a Squad of Sappers and the War Band of the VII "Galicia" Brigade (BRILAT) of the Spanish Army participated in that same procession. |
Villaviciosa (Asturias) | The "Principe" Light Infantry Regiment No. 3 of the BRILAT of the Army usually participates in the Procession of the Holy Burial and Unclapping. |
Zamora | Commanders of the Navy and the Argupación de Infantería de Marina de Madrid (AGRUMAD) usually participate in the procession of the Holy Burial. In this procession, in addition, the Civil Guard usually escorts the passage of La Urna de Jesús and the Air Force to María Magdalena. Likewise, the 11th Engineer Specialty Regiment has the tradition of escorting the passage of "La Lanzada" (popularly known as the Longinos). |
Holy Saturday, April 8 | |
Málaga | Traditionally the Army carries out an Offering to Our Lady of Solitude. |
Santiago de Compostela (La Coruña) | The "Galicia" VII Brigade (BRILAT) of the Army has the tradition of escorting the Brotherhood of Christ of the Anointing and Our Lady of Serenity. |
Seville | Members of the Tablada Air Station of the Air Force and the 74th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment usually participate in the Holy Burial Procession. |
Easter Sunday, April 9 | |
Alcantarilla (Murcia) | The Parachuting Acrobatic Patrol (PAPEA) of the Air Force usually participates in the procession of the Risen Christ. |
Cartagena | The 73rd Army Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment usually participates in the Resurrection Procession, escorting the throne of the Virgen del Amor Hermoso. |
La Coruña | Army personnel usually escort the passage of the Risen Jesus. |
Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) | The Army Parachute Brigade (BRIPAC) has the tradition of participating in the Procession of the Encounter. |
Photo: Ejército de Tierra.
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