He proposes for this war a solution like the one that reinforced Hitler in 1938

Viktor Orbán helps Putin and denies Ukraine the national sovereignty he asks for Hungary

Esp 6·28·2023 · 16:49 0

I have supported the conservative positions of the Prime Minister of Hungary, but his position on the invasion of Ukraine seems unacceptable to me.

The Viktor Orbán's speech that has ended up separating the paths of Poland and Hungary
Viktor Orbán's position on the invasion of Ukraine freezes his relations with Poland

Orbán already aligned himself with the Kremlin narrative last year

As we have already seen here, Last summer Orbán already subscribed to the Kremlin's narrative on Ukraine, after trying to demobilize Western military aid to the Russian-invaded country. As a result, his former Polish allies, who support the Ukrainian cause, they distanced themselves from Orbán, a rift that continues today.

Orbán aligns himself with Putin again: "Ukraine is no longer a sovereign state"

Yesterday, the German newspaper Welt published an interview with Orbán (you can watch the video here) in which the Hungarian Prime Minister again aligned himself with Russian interests, stating that "Ukraine is no longer a sovereign state" with the weak argument that "it has no no money or weapons. He can continue fighting only thanks to the assistance he is given". An aid that Orbán opposed. The Hungarian leader adds: "It is up to the United States to decide when peace will materialize." He also states that "cooperation between Ukraine and the West has failed."

Ask for a solution for this war like the one that reinforced Hitler in 1938

Orbán also claims that winning the war against Russia is "absolutely impossible" , a statement that forgets, I fear, the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan. Let us remember that what Orbán proposed last year is that Russia and the US negotiate the future of Ukraine with their backs to the Ukrainians, in the style of what Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom did in 1938 at the Munich conference with Czechoslovakia.

Let us remember that that conference only served to strengthen Nazi Germany, which ended up invading Poland the following year with the additional resources seized from the Czechs, and the solution proposed by Orbán would only serve to reinforce Russia, thus encouraging it to invade Moldova or Georgia in a year or two.

Denies Putin is a war criminal as he continues to murder civilians

Hungarian Prime Minister also denies that Putin is a war criminal, while he continues to attack the Ukrainian civilian population. Just yesterday, a new Russian attack killed ten civilians, including three children, in Kramatorsk. Naturally, the official Russian agency Tass has already rushed to spread the statements of Orbán, since they clearly benefit the Kremlin.

Orbán asks for Hungary the national sovereignty that he denies to Ukraine

The most contradictory thing is that after suggesting that two powers dedicate the future of Ukraine without counting on the Ukrainians, Orbán demanded that any measure on immigration take into account “the decisions of the Hungarians regarding their own territory." In other words, it claims for Hungary national sovereignty that it denies to its Ukrainian neighbours, with whom it has always had a bad relationship because of the Hungarian minority in the southwest of the country, a minority that Orbán has constantly used to meddling in Ukraine's internal affairs while cultivating good relations with Putin and Russia.

As I warned last year, with his position Orbán is not only doing a great favor to Putin, but also to the progressive elite in Brussels, since he is going to use it to weaken and disunite the conservatives who They face their impositions. In fact, if Orbán admits that Russia can decide the future of another country through violence, he is left without arguments in the face of pressure from Brussels to impose his ideological agenda: how can he defend himself? national sovereignty in one case and not in the other? And what kind of solidarity can be expected from Hungary in other countries in the face of aggression, if Orbán aligns with some invaders have already threatened Poland with being the next attack?


Photo: Mikhail Svetlov. Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán at a meeting in Budapest on October 30, 2019.

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