A video of Fly By Wire Aviation shows a single-seat EF-18M of the 12th Wing

A Spanish EF-18 Hornet fighter seen up close and showing small details of its fuselage

Esp 4·03·2024 · 21:37 0

The McDonnell Douglas EF-18 Hornet is the Spanish version of the F/A-18. It has been in service since 1986, already being the oldest Spanish fighter.

The pre-flight inspection, taxiing and takeoff of the EF-18 Hornet of a Spanish female pilot
The landing of a Spanish EF-18 Hornet fighter in Getafe using its arresting hook

I have been watching videos and photos of this fighter for many years and I have rarely been able to see a level of detail like that shown Fly By Wire Aviation in its latest video, which shows us a single-seat EF-18M from the 12th Wing of the Torrejón Air Base, the C.15-44 (12-02), Captain Nuria Moral's plane. The video shows us this fighter to such an extent that we can clearly see its rivets, in addition to the different marks on its fuselage, the inside of an air intake and its nozzles:

You can see a couple of screenshots from the video here. In the first we see in detail the marginal support of the starboard wing, in this case empty. On the marginal support of the port wing this plane carried a medium-range air-to-air missile AIM-2000 IRIS-T, which you can see in the video.

The Spanish cockade on the port side of the fuselage, with the small markings painted near it, for maintenance personnel.

Congratulations to Fly By Wire Aviation for the excellent videos you are posting. For those of you who do not follow that channel yet, I encourage you to subscribe.

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