During the NATO CAT 24 tank competition at the Adazi training ground

Images of a Spanish Leopardo 2E tank in action published by the Latvian Army

Esp 5·05·2024 · 22:18 0

I have already spoken here on occasion about the excellent COMCAM (combat cameras) that some NATO armies have.

The Spanish Army parades in Rēzekne on the anniversary of Latvia's independence
The Spanish Army wins an international main battle tanks competition in Latvia

One of those photographers that I have already mentioned on several occasions is the Latvian Gatis Indrēvics, whose works can be seen at his Instagram account and also on the Flickr account of the Latvian Army, to which I have subscribed for years and which publishes very good images of the Spanish military contingent deployed in Latvia.

Precisely the Latvian Army Flickr account published this morning an excellent series of photos of the exercise CAT 24, a tank competition of the NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia held on May 3 and in which armored vehicles from the armies of Germany, Canada, Spain, Italy, Norway, Poland and United Kingdom.

In this series of photos, taken at the maneuvering field of the Adazi military base (where the Spanish contingent and the rest of the aforementioned NATO unit are deployed), we can see the Leopard 2E 134 firing with its 120 mm Rheinmetall L/55 main gun, protected in a defilade position, that is, leaving only the upper part of the tank exposed.

You can see below photos of tanks from other armies in this exercise.

A Canadian Army Leopard 2A4M CAN, an improved local version of the Leopard 2A4 CAN, with additional modular armor added.

A Polish Army PT-91 Twardy, an improved Polish version of the Soviet T-72.

A Leopard 2A4NO of the Norwegian Army. That country has already decided to replace these tanks with a more modern version, the Leopard 2A8 NOR.

A Challenger 2 of the British Army. We can see the additional protection that it has on its skirt.

A Leopard 2A7V of the German Army. It is the most modern version of this famous tank, awaiting the arrival of the Leopard 2A8.

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