An attempt to stop a shipment of weapons to Israel or one to Ukraine?

Misinformation about foreign ships with weapons that stop in Spain

In the last few hours a series of news has been happening in Spain that deserve to be described as disconcerting.

The government of Spain risks a key capacity of its Army with its attacks on Israel
Military programs that may be affected by the crisis between Spain and Israel

The far-left hoax about the merchant ship 'Borkum'

The controversy began with a complaint from Podemos and Sumar, two far-left parties that are partners in the government of socialist Pedro Sánchez, cagainst the "Borkum", a merchant ship with the flag of Antigua and Barbuda from India and destined for Slovenia.

In response to this complaint, the government has indicated that the "Borkum" carries weapons for the Czech Republic, something that the leader of Podemos Irene Montero has responded by stating that "the Czech Republic has no sea". Indeed, that country has no sea, but that does not mean that there are no maritime shipments destined for that country, in this case via Slovenia, a neighboring country of the Czech Republic. Let us also remember that the Czech Republic has Moldauhafen, a lot in the port of Hamburg which actually functions as a port of that country, which also has access to the sea through the Vltava and Elbe rivers. In fact, Prague has a port, with code CZPRG, thanks to the river Moldavian. It would be good for politicians to inform themselves a little better before speaking.

Have they tried to deactivate a shipment of weapons to Ukraine?

On the other hand, the "Borkum" carries 80,000 120 mm mortar shells and 50,000 125mm. Israel has 120 mm mortars, but Israeli forces do not have tanks or artillery pieces with 125 mm cannons. The Czech Republic did have them, specifically its T-72M4CZ tanks, of Soviet origin. And the 125 mm caliber is characteristic of tanks manufactured first in the USSR and now in Russia. Due to the quantity, it is possible that these projectiles are for Ukraine, a country to which the Czech Republic has been helping with shipments of weapons and ammunition since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

In fact, it is very possible that this controversy has revealed a possible secret shipment of ammunition from India to Ukraine via the Czech Republic. Until now, the Indian government had denied any military aid to Ukraine. It is worth asking: was the hoax of these far-left parties actually intended to interfere with military aid to Ukraine? Let us remember that both Podemos and Sumar have opposed the sending of military aid to that country and have aligned themselves largely with the Kremlin's theses. At this point, I no longer believe in coincidences.

The false accusations against Israel and their purpose

Regarding the arguments of those extreme left parties, accusing Israel of committing genocide to justify the blockade of those ships, I already pointed out here that those accusations are not supported in any way. Such openly slanderous accusations can only be explained as an attempt to cover up the crimes of Hamas, a terrorist organization that could be accused of genocide, since it has openly defended the extermination of the Jews in the Middle East. And in the rest of the world.

The case of the merchant ship 'Marianne Danica' and the risk that Spain runs

On the other hand, today it became known that the Spanish government has denied a stopover permit to the merchant ship "Marianne Danica", flying the flag of Denmark and sailing from India to Israel with an arms transport. As @Springbok1973 has pointed out, good knowledge of issues related to transport maritime and naval intelligence, Israel does not have any international sanctions and therefore this is legal traffic. That the Spanish government gives in to the thesis of extremist parties that launch false accusations against a country is very alarming, because this leaves Spanish legal security at rock bottom.

Finally, I remind you again that Spain has important weapons systems of Israeli origin, without Israel being dependent on Spanish defense companies. We risk Israel suspending the supply of these weapons systems and important defense technology. If that happens, don't let the complaints come later, because the Spanish government is earning it hard.


Photo: Efe.

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