The former Prime Minister of Poland warned about the “threat” from Russia

Morawiecki's warning at Vox's Viva 24 event: “Russia will not stop at Ukraine”

Esp 5·19·2024 · 18:51 0

Today the great Viva 24 event organized by Vox, the third most voted party in Spain, concluded in Madrid.

Vox's Viva 24 event leads the left-wing to exhibit its allergy to ideological pluralism
Poland's warning about the effects of a Russian victory in Ukraine

This event has brought together conservative leaders from several countries in Europe and America. One of the politicians whose voice has been heard at this event is former Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, member of the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość party (PiS, Law and Justice), Vox's Polish partner. During his mandate, Morawiecki was one of the European leaders who most warned against Russia before the Russian invasion of Ukraine , and in Viva 24 he once again raised the alarm in his speech . His speech was recorded and broadcast on a giant screen, beginning with these words spoken in Polish:

Szanowni państwo, drodzy przyjaciele, na samym początku chciałbym was pozdrowić i wyrazić żal że nie mogę być z wami tu w Madrycie.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, first of all I want to greet you and express my regret for not being able to be with you here in Madrid.

Morawiecki continued his intervention in English, pointing out the following (I have tried to follow the original speech, to be more exact, since I do not have the original speech without the translation into Spanish):

As you can hear, I started in Polish. I apologize, because unfortunately I cannot be in Madrid. Why did I start speaking in my mother tongue? Well because today some people forget that English is not the only language and that Brussels is not the only capital. Some people forget that Europe is first and foremost a union of Nations, and not the valid land of bureaucrats, and that is why a voice comes from Spain, from Poland, but also from many other countries in Europe.

Europe must be a land for a new hope: a Homeland for the future. Europe must be a leader. Unfortunately, the world has once again become a dangerous place. We are very concerned about the assassination attempt in Slovakia of Prime Minister Robert Fico. Once again we must take a step forward for Europe, we must take a step forward for each other.

In 1795, Poland, my beloved Homeland, was divided by three aggressors: Russia, Prussia and Austria.* Then, Don Domingo de Iriarte, a Spanish diplomat, was one of the last diplomats to stay in Warsaw. Don Domingo Iriarte teaches us a lesson: what we are observing today is the division of Europe.

In Poland we know that Russia will not stop at Ukraine. We know that aggression by Russia is a threat to the order of Europe.Today Europe faces many threats, we have an existential enemy. Yes, Russia is Europe's nemesis, so today conservatives must be a stabilizing force. We are the ones who must provide this stability. It is up to us to ensure that Europe, as a heritage we love, survives. Thank you very much.

* Note: In the video, the translator mistakenly indicated "France" instead of Austria, but Morawiecki cited Austria.

Here you can see the video of Morawiecki's speech published by Vox and translated into Spanish (you can activate the automatic English subtitles in the bottom bar of the player):

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