This Friday, a judge's request to the Supreme Court to charge Carles Puigdemont with treason was confirmed.
In addition to the aforementioned ringleader of the 2017 separatist coup in Catalonia, according to the newspaper El Debate, among the accused also include former counselor Elsa Artadi, Gonzalo Boye, Puigdemont's lawyer, and Josep Lluís Alay, his former chief of staff. The judicial investigation into this Russian plot has revolved around several meetings that Puigdemont and several officials he trusted with Russian agents to gather their support for a separatist process that would break the unity of Spain.
Sánchez already knew about this Russian plot when he granted amnesty to his separatist partners
In January I already pointed out here that Pedro Sánchez already knew about this Russian plot when he agreed to approve an amnesty for Puigdemont and for others involved in the aforementioned separatist coup of 2017. Thus Well, Sánchez has not only tried to erase the crimes committed by his partners, but also to cover up this Russian plot, which was an attempt to destabilize a NATO member country. An attempt that has already caused concern beyond Spanish borders.
The European Parliament has been alarmed by this Russian interference
In February of this year, Parliament The European Parliament raised the alarm over the relationship between Catalan separatism and Russia, in a resolution approved by 433 votes in favor, 56 against and 18 abstentions. The resolution stated that "that Russian interference in Catalonia, if confirmed, would be part of a broader Russian strategy to promote internal destabilisation and EU disunity", and also expressed its deep concern about "the large-scale disinformation campaigns that Russia has pursued in Catalonia."
The leftist Spanish government insists on covering up Russian interference in Catalonia
Despite these facts, today Minister Félix Bolaños has expressed his confidence that the amnesty law will be applied to the Russian plot, perhaps forgetting that that law did not amnesty the crime of treason. It is astonishing to see that in the face of clear Russian interference in the 2017 separatist coup, the desire of the Sánchez government, out of pure partisan interest, is to cover everything up so as not to lose the support of its separatist parliamentary partners. They put their party above the interest and security of Spain.
Russian interference in Catalonia and attempts to hide it
The judicial decision known today fills me with satisfaction. I have been denouncing Russian interference in this separatist coup since November 2017, when the Russian deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of a party allied to Putin, openly showed his support for Catalan separatism. In May 2022 I reviewed here what was already known about this Russian plot and also other details that many have overlooked, such as the display of a Catalan separatist flag by the Russian Army Choir at a concert in Barcelona on January 2, 2016, a very serious event that did not, inexplicably, provoke any protest from Mariano Rajoy's government.
If any other army of any Western country had made such a gesture at an official event, it would have been a huge scandal. However, this was covered up, why? It is a question that some would have to answer, starting with Rajoy.
Is Judge Aguirre from the 'Sorosian sect'?
There are more people who have shown an inexplicable attitude in addressing this interference, even some who publicly present themselves as "patriots." I can't forget the words that a well-known Spanish military officer in the reserve wrote in September 2021:
"The Sorosian sect, closely related to certain intelligence services, deploys all its media resources to convince us of Russian interference in Catalonia. They have so much power that they will get many."
It is worth wondering if this man will now accuse Judge Joaquín Aguirre of being part of the "Sorosian sect" or if he will link him with "certain intelligence services" considering that there is sufficient evidence to accuse Puigdemont and several more people for a crime of treason against Spain in connivance with the Kremlin.
Some contacts that have been confirmed by the Civil Guard
Now it is in the hands of the Supreme Court to confirm whether the defendants committed a crime of treason or not, but the contacts between Catalan separatism and Russia around the 2017 coup are a fact which has been accredited by the Civil Guard. Will they also accuse this armed institute of being part of the "Sorosian sect"? Although I think the most pertinent question would be this: why have some people shown so much interest in denying, hiding or trivializing these facts?
Photo: Europa Press.
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