What is behind the ruinous politicization of football by the left

Racism does exist in Spain, but it is precisely where the left-wing denies it

Esp 7·16·2024 · 6:53 0

In recent days, as a result of the new successes of the Spanish soccer team, we have experienced another sad spectacle from the left.

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The left and its desire to politicize sport

The left has the tendency to politicize everything, even sports, a mania that ends up making everything that socialists and communists end up manipulating hateful. This new politicization has come to convince us that Spain finally had a correct soccer team, not because its players are good, but because they are "diverse" in racial terms. Absolute stupidity.

Racial miscegenation in the history of Spain

For centuries, of all the countries in Europe, Spain is perhaps the one that has historically given the least importance to race. This is contributed to by the fact that our country has been the scene of successive conquests that have He has left a very heterogeneous genetic legacy, but above all the weight of the Catholic religion has been fundamental.

Although socialism claims to be the inventor of all the things you consider good, it must be said that in Spain there were already people of different races centuries before there were socialists. For those who do not know that part of our history that the left seems to forget, let us remember that in the 16th century Spain had the first black university student and first professor of the black race in all of Europe: Juan Latino, a Catholic poet who studied at the University of Granada. In the United Kingdom such a case did not occur until the 19th century.

Likewise, in Spanish America mixed marriages were already promoted at the beginning of the 16th century, which made racial mixing very common. This explains the great abundance of mestizos in the countries of Central and South America. The first interracial marriage in the current US territories occurred in 1565 in Spanish Florida, between Luisa de Ábrego and Miguel Rodriguez. After that country's independence, interracial marriages were illegal in much of the United States until 1967.

The new racism promoted by the left-wing

However, we must recognize that in Spain there is a clearly racist current, but it is precisely where some deny it. We have seen it these days around the national team, when politicians, journalists and left-wing activists have highlighted certain players because of their race, simply because they had darker skin than their teammates, as if that mattered something when playing football.

When we watch our team play, the only colors that matter to millions of Spaniards are red and blue, that is, the colors of our flag. In our Armed Forces there are thousands of people of different races and places of origin. It has been this way for a long time, and what has always mattered is the actions of each person, and not the color of their skin.

For years now, the left has been trying to apply its thesis of class struggle to races, as it did before with the sexes. According to that vision of the world, there would be oppressed races and oppressor races, which makes the left dedicated to stigmatizing millions of people because of the color of their skin. These approaches are pure and simple racism, no matter how much their supporters present themselves as "anti-racist."

A new racism as disgusting as the old racism

Racism is valuing a person based on the color of their skin and not on their merits. It matters little whether this is done to praise a certain color or to discredit another. This new racism is as disgusting as the old racism. The only difference between the two is that the old racists did not call themselves "anti-racists."

By the way, let us not forget that the left, especially its most extreme version, is fanning the most lethal racism in history: anti-Semitism, as we have been seeing since last October 7, after the attack Hamas terrorist attack against Israel: the largest massacre suffered by Jews since the Holocaust. Since the day of the attack, a large part of the left has dedicated itself to demonizing the attacked people, a repulsive attitude that can only be explained by anti-Semitic hatred against the only Jewish State in the world.


Photo: Selección Española de Fútbol.

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