A response to the imposition of a moral aberration in our society
On August 31, 2017, I published one of the most read articles on this blog: "Scientific arguments against abortion".
"Scientific arguments against abortion"
11 common arguments in favor of abortion and the reasons that prove them false
In that article I tried to refute one of the fallacies most repeated by pro-abortion activists: that the rejection of this atrocity is reduced to religious dogmas. In that article I pointed out what science indicates about the beginning of human life at conception. Nowadays, with all the knowledge we have, only from an anti-scientific position can we affirm that an unborn baby is not a human being, or that it is not even a living being, as some claim. .
However, if we limit the argument regarding abortion to what science indicates, the argument remains incomplete. Ultimately, although science demonstrates that human life begins at conception, and that it is at that moment when we acquire the genetic identity that will accompany us throughout our lives, what science does not indicate is whether it is wrong kill a human being or not. It limits itself to verifying what a human being is. Evaluations of what is good or bad are left to the field of ethics and morality.
It is precisely at this point where our society is shipwrecking in human terms. A large part of society does not care what science says, because it does not seem wrong to kill certain human beings. It is enough to place things like comfort or personal interest above life of an innocent person to settle that matter with a crime. An ethical and moral response is needed to the ethical and moral vacuum that the social acceptance of abortion is generating, because this acceptance is based on a complete distortion of what is good and what is bad. It was that same distortion that caused some of the greatest crimes in history in a society as technologically advanced as Nazi Germany.
When pro-choice people claim that pro-lifers seek to impose our morals, what they mean is that they can impose their total absence of moral scruples and the rest of us have to keep quiet. And we should not remain silent, for several reasons:
- Killing an innocent human being is a crime. It is a perverse and inhumane act, no matter how much some disguise it with words like "right" or "choice."
- Killing a human being who cannot defend himself and who does not even have a voice to ask for help is, in addition to a crime, a colossal act of cowardice. With what right can we hope that the powerful do not abuse of the weak in our society if we commit the most vile and cowardly act against the weakest, who are the unborn children?
- Putting comfort above the human life of an innocent person is an extreme case of selfishness that corrupts the entire society. When society is able to accept the aberrant idea that an innocent person is murdered for pure selfishness, what that society does is open the door to all kinds of abuse.
- Abortion is one of the most cowardly acts of violence that occurs in our society, and the most serious thing is that this act of violence is carried out with the blessing of politicians who exhibit a lack of scruples typical of totalitarians. When a society assumes the idea that using violence against the weakest is something legitimate to achieve certain goals, that society is entering a very dangerous drift that can have very serious consequences for everyone.
- Our freedom has its limit in the freedom of others, and among the others are also unborn children, whose freedom is simply suppressed with the cruel act of killing and dismembering them in an induced abortion.
- The damage caused by abortion is not merely personal (to the child who is killed and to the mother who aborts, due to the psychological consequences that this atrocity generally causes), but it affects the entire society. , corrupting their own understanding of humanity and what is right and wrong. Likewise, when the Nazis murdered a Jew, they not only committed harm against that person, but against the entire society, by making them a silent accomplice in a monstrosity. Such a society ends up morally corrupted and that always has very negative consequences for everyone, consequences that we cannot ignore.
- Defending abortion is not a respectable opinion, no matter how many people defend it. Defending an attack on human dignity, in this case in the form of a crime against the weakest and most defenseless, can never be respectable. , in the same way that opinions in favor of slavery, racism or terrorism are not respectable. It is a serious mistake to consider positions in defense of life and positions in defense of a crime as comparable, in the name of a very poorly understood tolerance that has ended up being used to present an atrocity as something positive and the rejection of that atrocity as a thing of fanatics.
- Those who say that pro-abortion people do not impose their morals are lying. Every law implies a moral statement about what is right or what is wrong. A law that prohibits murder or robbery is a law that imposes a moral code that considers taking the lives or property of others to be wrong. In this case, what pro-abortion activists do is present something perverse as if it were positive, that is, impose a moral aberration. We should not act with squeamishness in the face of this imposition. A healthy society cannot admit that the defense of life and the defense of a crime are equated.
I add something else to finish: if for stating these things they call me "fascist", "retrograde" and other nonsense, I don't care. Slavery abolitionists also had to endure all kinds of insults and displays of hatred. The cause of life is a just cause and those who use insults to attack it only demonstrate their absolute lack of reason and, also, their alarming inability to distinguish good and evil. We must not surrender or give in to evil, nor did the abolitionists of slavery.
Original photo: Pxhere.com.
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