Great compilation work done by Aventuras Entresierras and its followers

A complete map where you can locate hundreds of mountain refuges in Spain

Esp 8·09·2024 · 23:25 0

Spain is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe, which is why there are shelters for mountaineers in many places throughout its geography.

The surprising Capanna Regina Margherita, the highest mountain refuge in Europe
A spectacular off-road route through the Sierra de Gádor, its mines and its refuges

We have been able to learn about some of these shelters thanks to the interesting videos on the YouTube channel Aventuras Entresierras, which, in addition to content on urban exploration, also usually publishes bivouacs in some of these shelters.

Refugio de montaña de La Caldera, en el Mulhacén. Se hizo aprovechando un antiguo nido de ametralladoras del bando republicano de la Guerra Civil Española (Fuente: Aventuras Entresierras).

Recently, the Facebook page of Aventuras Entresierras launched an interesting challenge: to compile all the mountain shelters in Spain on an interactive map created with Google Maps. The compilation work has been possible thanks to the contributions of the followers of Aventuras Entresierras, and finally it has been managed to create a map that already includes more than 600 shelters both in mainland Spain and in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands:

From Aventuras Entresierras they remind the users of these shelters of the following: "If you are going to use a shelter, remember that it is your obligation to take care of it and leave it clean as if it were your own home." These are words that I agree with. Congratulations to Aventuras Entresierras and its followers for this excellent work.


Main image: Aventuras Entresierras. Mountain refuge in the Sierra de Grazalema.

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