Some journalists act like political commissars of a dictatorship

The Bishop of Bilbao, democracy and the right to disagree with the absurd gender ideology

Esp 8·17·2024 · 18:23 0

One difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in the latter, the mere fact of telling the truth is grounds for persecution.

A trans man is accused of 'transphobia' for saying “we are not women, we were not born women”
From abortion to gender ideology: the anti-scientific nonsense of the left wing

An absurd ideology that cannot be disagreed with

In a democracy there is freedom of expression, which includes the right to disagree and to defend the truth even when the political power lies, as is happening very frequently in Spain with the socialist government of Pedro Sánchez. The paradox is that some who call themselves democrats pretend that telling the truth is a reason for persecution in a democracy, something that exposes what they really want to impose on us: a dictatorship in which no one can disagree with the nonsense they defend.

One of the greatest absurdities of our time is the so-called gender ideology, an aberrant ideology that maintains that if you are a man but say you perceive yourself as a woman, everyone is obliged to say that you are a woman. Never before has the confusion between desires and reality reached such irrational and totalitarian extremes, and the most alarming thing is that this is happening in countries that call themselves democratic, including Spain.

The brave and accurate homily of Bishop Joseba Segura

This Thursday, August 15, on the occasion of the feast of the Assumption of Mary, the bishop of Bilbao, Joseba Segura Etxezarraga, gave a brave and accurate homily (the full text can be read here), in which he stated the following:

"We live in a peculiar time. While the cult of the beautiful body is spreading, with its diets, gyms and plastic surgery, at the same time it is questioned whether that same body can impose restrictions and limits on our will to be what we want to be. It is as if the body did not matter, as if one could build one's identity, be a man or a woman or anything in between, or neither, at will, without reference to the body with which we were born. It is one thing to recognize the dissatisfaction and suffering of some people with their bodies, and quite another to try to impose the idea that the body has nothing to say. A freedom to be is preached, that nothing needs to be proven or justified, as if, indeed, pure desire were capable of creating reality."

Here you can see the video of the homily (the video is in Spanish, you can activate automatic English subtitles in the bottom bar of the player):

Of course, others have the right to disagree with these words, just as the bishop has the right to say them. If the bishop had said other truths, such as that the Earth is round or that grass is green, there might also be someone who would disagree and would have the right to argue the opposite, even if the disagreement serves to defend a falsehood. That is what democracy is all about, but some people have not yet understood it.

Leftist media attacks bishop and accuses him of 'transphobia'

Some leftist media outlets have once again shown their desire to point the finger at those who disagree with the official discourse and accuse them of things that can be punished by decision of politicians who are increasingly distorting our rule of law. Let's look at some examples:

  • La Sexta: The Bishop of Bilbao's barbarity regarding trans people: "You cannot be a man, a woman or something in between at will"”. This leftist channel accuses the bishop of making "transphobic statements."
  • El Periódico de España: “Controversy over the Bishop of Bilbao's transphobic statements in the middle of a homily.”
  • Sport: “Controversy over the transphobic statements of the Bishop of Bilbao in the middle of a homily”. Exactly the same headline as El Periódico de España, as if it had been dictated to him.
  • Bilbaohiria: The Bishop of Bilbao another burden on the Catholic Church.” This misspelled headline appears in a news story, not in an opinion piece.

Some journalists act like political commissars of a dictatorship

So, not only do we have journalists who insert their opinion into news headlines to tell us what we should and shouldn't think (a practice that a journalist should avoid when writing a news story, as a matter of professional ethics), but they also accuse the bishop of "transphobia" (that is, hatred of transgender people) for stating the obvious, something that according to Spanish legislation promoted by the left (the famous Trans Law) could be subject to sanctions.

It is astonishing that in a democratic country there are journalists who act as political commissars of an ideology that cannot be disagreed with, pointing out as if they were criminals those who dare to use reason and common sense to expose the irrationalities of these ideological dogmas. They claim that in a democracy there are crimes of opinion based on mere disagreement with an ideology, as in Cuba, North Korea or communist China.

The ideological tendency of the left to trample on freedoms

In the end, it doesn't matter that the left calls itself democratic: socialists and communists cannot avoid their ideological tendency to trample on freedoms. The curious thing is to see people who say they are not left-wing (and even parties like the PP) defending that same ideology that protects itself from all disagreement through undemocratic methods. Of course, all my support to the bishop of Bilbao in his defense of the truth against gender ideology.

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