The left once again exhibits its peculiar concept of freedom of speech

A trans man is accused of 'transphobia' for saying “we are not women, we were not born women”

The political and media left has been demonizing anyone who dares to question its most irrational dogmas.

From abortion to gender ideology: the anti-scientific nonsense of the left wing
Spain: politicians who fine you for disagreeing with them and without going through a court

The irrationality of the left-wing: from abortion to gender ideology

We have seen it many times with the issue of abortion, in which the left-wing points out those of us who contradict its anti-scientific idea that a human being in its prenal stage is not humanand It is not even a living being and therefore aborting is not killing, nonsense that the left repeats incessantly, even affirming that their dogmas cannot be discussed even if they deny scientific evidence.

Something similar happens with gender ideology and its most radical variant, queer theory, which maintains that the obligation to identify as a woman should be imposed on everyone who perceives themselves as a woman. , even if it is not and even if scientific evidence indicates otherwise. There are people who are already facing criminal persecution for discussing these ideological dogmas in several countries, a situation inappropriate for a democracy and which is beginning to dangerously remind us of the times of witch hunts .

A trans man states: “we are not women, we were not born women”

This week we have learned of a new case that demonstrates these inquisitorial attitudes of the left. A transsexual man, Crystal Jurado, has posted a video on Tiktok (can be seen here) in which he states the following: "transgender people are not women, we were not born women, We do not have a uterus, we do not have a vagina, we cannot conceive. Transgender people are only trans people, we are not women." Jurado adds: "I don't want to be a woman, I I have never said that I want to be a woman, I am a man and I like this appearance."

The inquisitorial reaction of the left to the words of Crystal Jurado

Crystal Jurado was invited to a debate on the Spanish channel Cuatro, in which Amor Romeira, introduced as a "television collaborator", told him: "I hope you don't rely on trans laws when you get beaten up", a He stated that Jurado called it a "threat." It must be remembered that the Penal Code covers any person who suffers a physical attack, regardless of their condition. There is no need for specific laws to protect a trans person from an attack: they are covered the same as any another person, whether trans or not.

The reactions to Crystal Jurado's opinions have not been long in coming. A contributor to the Catalan nationalist media accused Jurado of "transphobic and sexist arguments", two words usually used by the left to silence any attempt to discuss their dogmas, identifying those who question them as people who spread messages of hate, even if this is not the case.

A Telecinco journalist went even further: "This debate should not exist". It is a way of telling us that we should not be allowed to discuss certain dogmas that the left cannot support with rational and scientific arguments. An exhibition of contempt for freedom of expression that is beginning to be increasingly frequent among those who support the ideological dogmas of the left. Since progressivism is too lazy to look for good arguments to support its theses, it decides to prohibit us from discussing them. This is called a dictatorship, a type of regime in which the left already has a long tradition. Even today, Cuba, China, Venezuela and Nicaragua are clear examples of this.

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