Beetles, Golfs and Passats from different eras in the depths of a mountain

A large collection of Volkswagen cars hidden in an abandoned mine in Switzerland

Esp 4·28·2024 · 23:25 0

Exploring abandoned places sometimes leads you to find fascinating and strange things, often many meters underground.

An atypical graveyard of 50 classic cars and a plane in the middle of a forest in Germany
A gigantic graveyard with more than 1,000 classic cars disintegrating in Sweden

In this blog we have already seen all types of underground facilities: coastal artillery batteries, military bases, railway workshops, mines, abandoned tunnels... This Sunday, Exploring the Unbeaten Path has published a video that is very surprising. It was recorded in an unidentified abandoned mine deep in a mountain in Switzerland.

The explorers knew what they were looking for and they finally found it: a collection of dozens of Volkswagen cars hidden in the depths of the mine, which has kilometers of tunnels and three floors, according to the explorers. The images show Volkswagen Beetle, Golf and Passat from different eras:

You can see some screenshots from the video here. You have to wonder what dozens of classic cars are doing hidden there. In the video they comment on whether they would be part of a museum collection awaiting restoration, or perhaps a repository of spare parts.

The cars are hidden in a deep part of the mine. The explorers had to walk quite a bit through this labyrinthine underground place to reach them.

An image that shows why storing cars in a mine is a bad idea. The humidity of the place is taking its toll on them. The interior of the cars has become filled with mold.

In addition to classic Volkswagen Beetle and 2nd generation Golf (1983-1992), there are two Passat B2 (1980-2013) and some more modern models, such as the 2000 model New Bettle and 4th generation Golf generation (1997-2014).

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