A statement without journalists who could ask uncomfortable questions

Theater play is confirmed: Pedro Sánchez does not resign and repeats his conspiracy theory

Pedro Sánchez has just appeared at a press conference at the Moncloa palace to confirm what many of us already predicted would happen.

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After the left mobilized appealing to democracy, Sánchez spoke today without journalists and without questions, that is, avoiding answering any question that may be asked about the scandals that affect his government and who have been the ones who have motivated this five-day play, starting with his wife's economic activities. A curious idea of democracy.

In his statement (can be seen here), and feigning compunction, Sánchez has once again resorted to victimhood with a message with which, deep down, he only seeks to obtain one objective: that both he and his wife are untouchable, to be above the laws and that the Justice cannot examine the government's actions, that is, the opposite of what happens in any democratic country.

Sánchez has also said that he will continue with "more strength", a statement that sounds like a threat, taking into account that until now he has only shown weakness before Morocco, before the separatists and before the heirs of the terrorist group ETA. All the force that has been exhibited so far has been directed towards attacking judicial independence, harming the rule of law and violating the Constitution, as no other ruler had done before in four decades of democracy that we have in Spain.

In that same authoritarian drift, Sánchez has once again reiterated his conspiracy theory, attributing his problems to a "global reactionary movement." It is an updated, socialist version of the Franco regime's old conspiracy theory of "Jewish-Masonic collusion." Sánchez's is a message more similar to Putin's than to those of a democratic ruler. It intends to demonize any resistance to his abuses of power, whether from the political opposition, the free media or the independent Justice.

This authoritarian attitude should set off all the alarms in Spain and Europe: we are governed by an autocrat who believes he has the right to do whatever he wants without being accountable to anyone, without anyone being accountable. oppose and without accepting criticism. The victimhood of Sánchez - who has not condemned any aggression against Vox in all the years he has been governing and who has repeatedly resorted to lying as a political weapon - is a simple farce to twist her arm to democracy, that is, to do what he has been doing until now but, as he says, with "more strength."


Photo: La Moncloa. An archive image of Sánchez in La Moncloa.

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