They have sent two firefighting planes to help our brother country

Wave of messages of gratitude from Portugal for the Spanish aviators of the 43rd Group

Esp 9·17·2024 · 22:14 0

Once again, Portugal is experiencing a terrible wave of forest fires, with 65 active fires in the north and centre of the country.

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So far, these fires have already caused 7 deaths, including 3 firefighters. The fires are so widespread that this morning we could see the smoke coming from Portugal on the horizon in Vigo. Portugal is a brother country of Spain, with which we share the same geographical framework - the Iberian Peninsula -, many cultural ties and a long common history. And when Portugal burns, Spain comes to its aid.

One of the planes of the 43rd Group doing a water discharge (Photo: Ejército del Aire).

Following the activation of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, eight seaplanes from four countries have been made available to Portugal: 2 from Spain, 2 from Italy, 2 from France and 2 from Greece. The Spanish firefighters from the 43rd Air Force Group of Spain are already well known in Portugal, as practically every summer their Canadair CL-215T and Bombardier CL-415 planes end up going to this sister country to help fight the fires.

The Spanish Air Force has announced today that two seaplanes from the 43 Group detachment in Salamanca were sent yesterday to Portugal, participating in the efforts to extinguish the fires in the Aveiro district, the most affected area of ​​the country. Yesterday, Spanish aviators from the 43rd Group flew 9 hours and made 40 drops to extinguish the fires in that area. According to the 43 Group, Spanish planes were flying yesterday in Sever do Vouga and have continued their fight against the fire since early this morning.

This afternoon, through its social media channels, the 43rd Group has published this video showing its fight against the fire in Portugal. This unit of the Air Force has included a message in Portuguese that says:

Strength, Portugal! The 43rd Group is back in Portugal to help our brothers in the fight against the infernal firethat is threatening several cities.
All our support to the neighbors affected by the fire.
We are with you! 🇵🇹💪🇪🇸

Several Portuguese media have echoed this video and this message, and for hours now, 43 Grupo has been receiving a wave of hundreds of messages of gratitude from Portugal, via Twitter and on Instagram, written by Portuguese citizens in Portuguese and Spanish. Once again, we Spaniards have reason to be proud of 43 Grupo. Lots of strength to our Portuguese brothers!

+ UPDATED 18.9.2024 0:02h: The Military Emergency Unit (UME) is also deployed in Portugal. The UME has just announced the following: "Units from the First and Fifth Emergency Intervention Battalions of the UME are leaving their bases in Torrejón de Ardoz and León to collaborate in the efforts to extinguish the forest fires that are ravaging Portugal". Here we can see the BIEM I vehicles leaving the Torrejón Air Base:


Main photo: Ejército del Aire. An archive photo of Canadair CL-215T of 43rd Group, UD.13-27/43-27.

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