Yesterday, the Congress of Deputies voted on a Vox initiative that has served, once again, to expose the other parties.
Vox's initiative was a Organic Law Proposal on the modification of the legal regime of nationality. The full text can be seen here (PDF). In it, Vox sought to toughen the criteria for granting nationality, extending the period of residence required to obtain it from 10 to 15 years, with some exceptions, such as Sephardim (i.e. Jews of Spanish origin), citizens of Portugal, Ibero-American countries, Andorra, Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines, that is, people from our cultural environment.
Furthermore, Vox asked for proof of the absence of a criminal record in the country of origin and in Spain, something that I think is logical and understandable, if only to prevent people with bad conduct and who have had previous criminal activity from acquiring something as precious as Spanish nationality. It is not only about excluding criminals, but also about rewarding those who have had good conduct, not equating the two.
Unfortunately, Vox's initiative was rejected by 175 votes against, 33 votes in favor and 135 abstentions. If anyone wants to consult it, here is the parliamentary dossier of that initiative on the Congress website and here you can consult what Each MP and each group voted. The 33 votes in favour correspond exclusively to Vox MPs. In addition, the 135 abstentions are from PP MPs, while the other groups voted against. Significantly, Pedro Sánchez, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Yolanda Díaz did not participate in the vote.
The position of the left was predictable. Socialists, communists and separatists have already made it clear that they do not value Spanish nationality and that they accept giving it away like someone giving away candy, even to obtain votes in return. The attitude of Feijóo's party is more difficult to understand. In 2023, the Popular Party proposed in its program a "qualified legal immigration" through a points system that would take into account academic training, linguistic skills and innovative capacity. Does the PP consider a "qualified legal immigration" to include giving away nationality to criminals?
Photos: Vox Congreso / Partido Popular.
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