The government saw this as more urgent than declaring disaster zones

The political parties and deputies who have stepped over the catastrophe to assault RTVE

Esp 10·30·2024 · 20:15 0

Today, in the midst of the catastrophe caused by the cold snap in Spain, the Congress of Deputies has experienced a session of pure infamy.

The heroes of the cold drop disaster in Spain and the shameful coverage by TVE
PSOE and PP excluded Vox from RTVE and now Pedro Sánchez corners the PP by decree

The government saw it as more urgent to control RTVE than to declare disaster zones

This morning, the president of Congress, the socialist Francina Armengol, has suspended the control session of the government due to the catastrophe suffered yesterday by several Spanish regions and which has left dozens dead and missing. However, Armengol has decided to maintain the vote on the PSOE decree to assault RTVE, a measure that the government considered "urgent", ignoring the catastrophe and the deaths caused by it.

For the government, apparently, this measure was more urgent than declaring the places devastated by the cold snap as disaster zones, a decision that the government has postponed until the next Council of Ministers (they are held on Tuesdays, so if there is no extraordinary meeting, the matter will be postponed until next week).

Harsh criticism from the PP and Vox towards the government and the PSOE

The decision by the Socialists and their partners has sparked outrage among the opposition. From the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has declared: "With a catastrophe still incalculable, the Government's priority is to maintain the Plenary Session only to control TVE. I have seen many things in politics, but nothing so despicable and inhumane." On Twitter, Vox has responded to the PSOE with an even harsher message: "TODAY you have cancelled the CONTROL SESSION to NOT talk about your corruption, but you have an extraordinary plenary session has been called to ASSAULT RTVE. You are much more than hypocrites. You are truly repugnant."

This is what the parties with a presence in Congress did

The video of the parliamentary session that culminated in the assault on RTVE can be seen here. Likewise, the parliamentary dossier on the processing of this decree can be consulted here. At the end of that dossier you can see how each party voted, in two lists: the groups and deputies who voted in favor of transacting that decree today (see PDF) and those who decided to validate it (see PDF). In these PDFs you can see the names and surnames of the protagonists of today's infamy. I hope they remain for posterity and that no one forgets them.

The decree was approved by 176 votes in favour and none against. In protest against this infamy, the PP, Vox, the Navarrese People's Union (UPN) and Compromís left the plenary session and did not participate in the vote. Neither did the socialist deputy José Luis Ábalos, currently in the Mixed Group. PSOE, Sumar, PNV, Podemos, ERC, Junts and BNG supported the decree, and of these only the BNG voted against its validation.

A display of moral misery and anti-democratic attitude

Through this infamous vote, with which the government and its partners have demonstrated their absolute insensitivity towards the victims of the catastrophe and their aberrant priorities when it comes to governing and legislating, the left has taken over the RTVE board, appointing like-minded people and ignoring any criterion of representativeness: there are no PP or Vox councillors, despite the fact that the PP was the winning party in the last general elections and Vox was the third most voted party. What happened today was an exhibition of the moral misery and anti-democratic attitude of the Spanish left, which gives priority to its partisan interests and its desire to colonize the institutions of the State, overcoming dozens of dead.


Photo: Vox Congreso. Image of the half-empty chamber of the Congress of Deputies after the PP, Vox, UPN and Compromís left the session in which the government and its partners completed their assault on RTVE.

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