A video about that war that blames the US and the EU but not Russia

The cheating video about the Russian invasion of Ukraine shared by Elon Musk on Twitter

Esp 12·06·2024 · 17:20 0

I've defended Elon Musk in his support for free speech on Twitter, but I don't like it when anyone tries to trick me.

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Last night at 2:26 CET, the owner of Twitter shared this video on his personal account on that social network:

The video was posted by independent Cypriot MEP Fidias Panayiotou, a YouTuber who has made a political career out of his fame, without having much of a political agenda beyond proposals such as eliminating exams in schools.

In the video, Panayiotou speaks for 1 minute and 27 seconds about the Russian invasion of Ukraine without mentioning Putin and without saying that it is a Russian invasion, blaming EU and US politicians for the war to continue, simply by continuing to send military aid to Ukraine to defend itself from the invaders. Panayiotou accuses EU politicians of doing something "crazy and inhuman", but does not utter a single criticism against Russia or Putin.

It is shameful that Musk is helping to spread propaganda that misleads people and makes Twitter users look like fools. Talking about the war in Ukraine while blaming the EU and the US, as this video does, is a clear example of pro-Russian propaganda. It is as shameful as if someone in 1939 blamed the United Kingdom and France for the outbreak of World War II, without saying a word against Germany and the USSR for invading Poland.

This is not the first time Panayiotou has done something like this. Last summer, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Northern Cyprus (that part of the island is still under Turkish rule), Panayiotou posted a video alongside a Turkish Cypriot YouTuber arguing for an equidistant position, accusing the Greek Cypriot half of teaching "half of the history" and teaching people to "hate" the other side. A vile way to whitewash a foreign invasion.

The worst thing is that many Europeans, including many who call themselves "patriots", simply swallow these deceptions, which consist of whitewashing foreign invasions such as those of Cyprus and Ukraine, equating invaders and invaded and thus helping to counteract any attempt to defend the sovereignty and independence of the invaded countries. The regimes of Russia and Turkey must rub their hands with the likes of Panayiotou and also with Elon Musk, who helps spread the manipulations of this MEP.


Photo: Reuters.

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