In 2021, Sánchez and his pro-Russian partners banned gas extraction in Spain

Sánchez increases the percentage of Russian gas imported by Spain: it already exceeds that from the US

Esp 12·18·2024 · 18:55 0

The Spanish socialist government continues to import Russian gas and thus finance Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Sánchez promises Ukraine aid much less than the amount of its purchase of Russian gas
Sánchez increases the purchase of Russian gas while prohibiting its extraction in Spain

Increase in the percentage of Russian gas and decrease in American gas

According to Enagás' statistical bulletin for November 2024 (PDF), last month, Russian gas accounted for 21.5% of Spain's gas imports, a percentage only surpassed by Algerian gas, which accounts for 45.9% of Spanish imports. So far this year, Russian gas accounts for 21.3% of Spanish imports and 21.2% if we count imports from December 2023 to November 2024.

Let's review what the situation was a year ago. In November 2023, Russia was Spain's third largest gas supplier, with 18.6%. Russian imports have thus increased by almost three points. In contrast, in November 2023 the US was the largest gas exporter to Spain, with 36.9%: in November 2024 that figure fell to 10.9%. In November 2023, the total annual cumulative share of US gas imports was 21.6%, a figure that fell to 17.2% this year.

A big favor to Russia as the Kremlin threatens the West

Under Sánchez, therefore, Spain is buying much less gas from an allied country like the US and more from Russia, something that is happening while Moscow is threatening the West with its nuclear weapons. What Sánchez's government is doing, in strategic terms, is a clear betrayal of our allies.

Spain injects more money into Russia with this gas than its aid to Ukraine represents

In 2022 and 2023, the money injected by Spain into Russia with gas purchases far exceeded the amount of Spain's aid to Ukraine. Spain's purchases of Russian gas brought Moscow 6.42 billion euros, an astronomical amount that contrasts considerably with a ridiculous military aid of 330 million euros to Ukraine, an amount lower than that contributed by small countries such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia or Slovakia.

In 2021, Sánchez and his pro-Russian partners banned gas extraction in Spain

Finally, it should be remembered that while Sánchez increases the percentage of gas imported from Russia, the socialist government prohibits its extraction in Spain, by virtue of a law passed in 2021 by Sánchez's Socialist Party (PSOE) and its communist allies of Podemos, a party that was described as "pro-Russian" by the Russian pro-government newspaper That far-left party has opposed the sending of arms to Ukraine but has not raised any objections to Spain's purchase of Russian gas. According to the Higher Council of Colleges of Mining Engineers, the Spanish subsoil could supply natural gas for 40 years and thus reduce our energy dependence on foreign countries, but Sanchez prefers to buy it from Russia.


Photo: La Moncloa.

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