We live in curious times when it comes to political debate, which often revolves more around people than ideas.
Donald Trump is a clear example, but not the only one. The 47th president of the United States is becoming the centre of many discussions, to the point that it seems that there are already two sides: the Trumpists and the anti-Trumpists, and that outside of them there is nothing.
It is normal that a politician with such a strong personality who is breaking many of the consensus of progressive thought (something I recognize and which I think is very good) should encourage a polarization of the public debate around him. What I do not understand is that this polarization serves to marginalize important debates of ideas that have a life beyond what Trump says or does not say.
In the midst of this panorama, it is especially curious that people who considered ideologies to be dead and even the division between right and left, for various reasons and from various political perspectives, now pretend that political positioning revolves around one person: you are either with Trump or you are against him (and vice versa).
I must be a very strange guy, because I am neither a Trumpist nor an anti-Trumpist. For years I have liked to define myself around ideas. When it comes to looking for adjectives, I have them very clear: I am a Catholic Christian, I am Spanish, I am pro-life, I am a liberal-conservative, a democrat and a patriot. None of those adjectives depend on what another person does or says.
Of course, I will support Trump when he does what I think is right and criticize him when I think he is wrong, as I have done in the past. There are things about Trump that I like, others that I have doubts about, and others that I do not like at all. We are not talking about a saint, but a politician, and if I have to declare myself an unconditional fan of someone, it will be one of those whose life has ended and, therefore, they can no longer do anything to change my mind. It seems unreal to have to explain something like this, but the public debate is degenerating to such an extent that it seems necessary to do so.
I hope this serves to clarify in advance what the position of this blog will be in the face of Trump's mandate, so that there are no surprises or disappointments later. I am not here to unconditionally defend any politician. The purpose of this blog is to defend Spain, life and freedom, and not to defend any person in particular.
Photo: AP Foto.
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