Today Donald Trump has suspended the order issued by Obama that allowed transsexuals access to the United States Armed Forces. A logical and very reasonable decision.
Obama opened the door of the women's showers to the men
As an example, Obama's outrageous order involved forcing women to shower with men, and at a time when sexual abuse is a big problem for women joining the US Armed Forces. In other words, in order to normalize transsexuality, Obama increased the risk of sexual abuse in the showers, trying to convince women that their biological sex is irrelevant, according to the theory that sex is a mere social construction unrelated to biology. Something scientifically unsustainable.
Progressive media grossly manipulate the news
The reaction of the progressive media to this order of Trump has been the predictable one. Let's see for example what the Spanish newspaper El País says not in an opinion piece, but in a piece of news:
"For Donald Trump transsexuals are a burden, a cost and decentralize the victory. In a statement on Twitter that will be remembered for his deep discriminatory mood, the president of the United States banned transgender in the Army. The action buried the order approved by his predecessor Barack Obama that opened the armed forces to diversity and that the Pentagon paralyzed in early July just before it came into force.
I have pointed out in bold the most crude manipulations of PRISA's newspaper. To start, transsexuals are not a burden to Trump, but to the Armed Forces. A person suffering from a mental disorder should not be in an army, least of all by an absurd ideological whim that forces all his colleagues to consider something normal that is not. On the other hand, vetoing a transsexual in an army is as "discriminatory" as vetoing a nearsighted, obese, very small person or a child. There are certain conditions that prevent a person from fulfilling the strict access requirements that an army establishes so that its soldiers can carry out their duties properly. That is not discrimination: it is acting with common sense.
El País calls it 'diversity', WHO considers it a disorder
Likewise, what El País calls "diversity" is classified in a very different way by the World Health Organization. In the tenth version of its International Classification of Diseases on Mental and Behavioral Disorders (ICD-10, see PDF), WHO includes transsexualism (page 36) among "gender identity disorders" (epigraph F64). On page 168 of the document defines transsexualism as follows:
"A desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by a sense of discomfort with, or inappropriateness of, one's anatomic sex and a wish to have hormonal treatment and surgery to make one's body as congruent as possible with the preferred sex."
In Spain ideology is above medical considerations
It is pure logic that Trump vetoes the Armed Forces to those who suffer from this disorder. The paradox is that, in countries such as Spain, this mental disorder is attempted - as the WHO classifies it - as something normal by law, even threatening with strong sanctions by the administrative route to anyone who dares to question the normality of said disorder. Without going any further, in writing this entry, I risk being fined for saying the same thing as WHO points out. We have arrived in Spain to this degree of absurdity. But even worse. Laws based on gender ideology, such as that in force in the Community of Madrid (which had the support of all parties: PP, PSOE, Podemos and Ciudadanos), oblige parents to have their children receive talks of transsexuals, without Their consent, to indoctrinate them in the gender ideology. Last year I published here the audio of one of those talks, which said the following: "The idea that we launched is that there are no bodies of boys or bodies of girls." That is to say, they tell the children that biological sex is irrelevant, and they do it to assume the idea that "there are guys with vulva and there are girls with penis." In other words, they want children to assume as normal what WHO classifies as a mental disorder.
What would you say if they told your kids in school that anorexia is normal?
The fact is that the list of mental disorders of WHO also include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. What would you say if they tell to your children in school that anorexia is normal, just one more option? The list also includes agoraphobia, a disorder that usually leads to panic episodes because of fear of open spaces, for example. What would you say if a teacher at school told your children that agoraphobia is just a matter of diversity? In fact, the attempt to normalize these disorders is due to a misconception of the disease as a stigma. Instead of asking for respect, understanding and help for the sick person - which is logical and desirable - the disease is simply denied, which leads to absurd situations, such as telling children to suffer or not suffer from this mental disorder is the same, with the idea that everyone chooses their sex, like who changes their jacket, regardless of their biological sex. Moreover, it is accused of "hatred" to those who say the same as the WHO, as if the mere fact of affirming the existence of a disorder implied that you hate the one who suffers.
Those in need of treatment, harmed by the LGTB lobby
On the other hand, the frivolousness that the gender ideology is doing about these disorders is seriously harming the people who suffer them. Charlotte Goiar (born with the so-called Harry Benjamin Syndrome) pointed out to Actuall in March the effects that gender ideology is having on those with transsexualism: "The biggest losers in this political maneuver of LGBT are sick people with Gender Identity Disorder because the treatment worthy of its pathology is frivolous by LGTB laws that decentralize specialized care already organized to deal with these cases." In other words: how will a person receive appropriate treatment for their disorder That it needs it, if the laws deny that disorder by pure ideology and against the medical criteria of the WHO?
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