The officers did not even want to approach to identify the aggressors

Catalonia: Separatist thugs attack a journalist while the Catalan Police remain impassive

Separatist violence is news again and once again with a video that documents it, recorded by the journalist who was attacked last night in Barcelona, Xavier Rius, director of E-Noticies.

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The Meridiana Avenue of Barcelona has been blocked by the separatists for more than 100 days

Rius approached Meridiana Avenue, one of the main communication routes of that city, to show how it is blocked by a handful of separatists. A blockade that lasts more than 100 days, the journalist denounced, and that causes constant traffic jams among locals circulating in that area. Rius approached the group of separatists - mostly young people and teenagers - who keep that street cut. A hooded guy approached him shouting "delete the video", and at that moment the group of thugs began to surround him and insult him.

The Catalan Police did not even want to identify the aggressors

At one point the video is left with the black screen, because the separatists prevented the journalist from recording, but the sound is still heard, including the moment when the aggression begins and the journalist cries out to the Catalan Police saying "They are attacking me." The Catalan Police did nothing, which resulted in the journalist's reproaches after the aggression, as also seen in the video. Moreover, the officers did not even want to approach the separatist thugs when Rius asked them to accompany him to identify the aggressors.

Rius was "shaken, pushed, surrounded, grabbed by the neck and attacked"

As published by E-News today, the events occurred this Saturday around 9:00 p.m. Catalan Police officers were only 200 meters away. The Catalan newspaper notes that "Xavier Rius was shaken, pushed, surrounded, grabbed by the neck and attacked." From here I express my support for Rius after this cowardly aggression. It is outrageous that the Catalan Police have remained impassive while they attacked a person who was limited to exercising his right to walk on public ways, a street that belongs to everyone, not just separatists.

What the Catalan separatist government is doing is turning Catalonia into something more and more similar to a dictatorship than to a democracy. And the worst part is that the Spanish Government, headed by the socialist Pedro Sánchez, is consenting to everything simply because he needs the vote of the separatists to govern.

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