New Boko Haram attack with little impact in Western media

Eleven Christians killed by jihadists in Nigeria: don't these black lives matter?

Esp 12·27·2020 · 8:06 0

The Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram has once again attacked the Christian community in Nigeria, this time on Christmas Eve and setting fire to a church.

The massacre of Christians in Nigeria continues: the mainstream media hides it in the West
The disgusting racist and christianophobic drift of Black Lives Matter that the media hide

The terrorists' target was a Protestant church

According to the Nigerian newspaper The Cable, this new attack took place in the town of Pemi, in the state of Borno, where the majority of its inhabitants are Christians, according to Open Doors USA. In fact, the target of the attack was a Protestant Christian church, belonging to the Church of the Brethren, in which the faithful were preparing for Christmas celebrations. The terrorists began firing at the temple and finally set it on fire, also burning several houses and vehicles located around it.

Eleven people murdered and seven kidnapped

In this attack, the jihadists murdered eleven people and kidnapped seven, including a pastor from that congregation, according to Kachallah Usman, secretary of the local government of Chibok, located 17 kilometers away and on which the town of Pemi depends. As you may recall, 276 girls were abducted by Boko Haram in Chibok in 2014. Six years later, the whereabouts of 112 of them are still unknown. Faced with this new attack by the Boko Haram jihadists, soldiers from the 117th Nigerian Army Battalion were sent from Chibok to Pemi, but they arrived when the terrorists had already left.

Little impact of the attack in the West

Regarding what happened, I would like us to make a reflection: how much news have you seen in the media about that terrorist attack? Two days and several hours have passed since Christmas Eve, but many Western media have not published any information about it. One fact: both those killed and those kidnapped were black Africans (as are the Boko Haram terrorists). Thus, the victims of this attack are part of those "black lives" that some say matter so much to them (and I say this by the motto of "Black Lives Matter" that some have wielded and that gives its name to a movement that has exhibited a shameless christianophobia).

How many BLM activists have said something about this attack? Judging by social networks, where this attack has not even been a trend in recent hours, very few. If the murdered blacks are Christians at the hands of jihadists, then the lives of those victims don't matter as much to leftist activists? In addition to discriminating crime victims based on the color of their skin, do they also discriminate them because of their religion?


Photo: Jihadist terrorists from Boko Haram.

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