All totalitarian movements have some common characteristics. One of them is to promote intellectual laziness based on large doses of propaganda.
In the years after World War I, two totalitarian movements grew strong in Europe: communism in Russia and nazism in Germany. Historically they are presented by many as antagonistic movements, but it so happens that both derived from socialism. An internationalist socialism in the case of communism, and a nationalist socialism in the case of nazism (an abbreviation of the term "national-socialism").
The rise of both movements gave rise to intellectual traps on the part of both. Communism used the claim of anti-fascism to capture many people on the left, even those who viewed the Bolshevik dictatorship very badly, in order to present Stalin as the enemy par excellence of Nazi Germany. In turn, Hitler used the claim of anti-communism to win over many right-wingers, including those who disapproved of the Nazi Party's socialist character, anti-Semitism and paganism.
This tricky dichotomy between the two totalitarian movements led many to be labeled "nazis" or "fascists" for opposing communism, or "communists" for opposing nazism. With the liberal democracies in crisis in the face of this rise in totalitarianism, the public debate was trickily reduced to having to choose among two equally anti-christian, anti-democratic and anti-liberal movements, and also equally criminal.
Humanity should have been cured of such stupidity after seeing the horrors and crimes of nazism and communism, but it was not. Today we see the same propaganda trap again: that of those who accuse you of being an accomplice of Soros and of globalism if you reject a criminal and nostalgic tyrant of the USSR like Putin, and that of those who accuse you of being a fan of Putin if you reject to that tyrant but you are from the right and you do not go through the hoop of the left, forgetting the support of the Kremlin to the far-left.
Well, as I said last week, I am neither with Soros nor with Putin, in the same way that I equally condemn communism and nazism. I refuse to fall into the trap of being made to choose between totalitarians. Indeed, just as Hitler and Stalin allied in 1939, launching World War II together, both Putin and Soros share their support for leftist organizations that promote an anti-Christian and illiberal agenda in the West.
I am clear about my place on the political map. I am with Christianity, I am with Freedom and patriotism, and that is why I choose Poland, which was the first Nation to fight on two fronts against that alliance between nazism and communism, and which has currently been the country that has warned -and rightly so- against Putin's attempt to impose his will by force to resurrect his longed-for USSR, while defending his sovereignty against Brussels' attempts to impose the ideological agenda of the left. Those who will have a hard time clarifying who they have met with are some of those who support the scoundrel Putin, when it comes to talking about what happens in dictatorships like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua or Iran, all of them allies of Russia and supported by it.
Parrotically repeating the slogans and lies of the Kremlin is to indulge Putin's imperialist whims and delusions, and is the complete opposite of defending Christianity, Freedom and patriotism. And whoever tells you otherwise, lies like a villain. Appealing to "globalism" and Soros to support Putin, a tyrant who has defended Stalin, is as stupid as saying in 1940 that Hitler had to be supported because Americans and British were "terrible". It's amazing that there are still people naive enough to fall for such crude traps.
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