It is surrounded by a huge moat and almost all its accesses are sealed

A labyrinthine fortress that witnessed a brutal battle of the World War I

Esp 2·03·2023 · 22:47 0

There are abandoned places that seem to be permeated by the horror scenes that were seen in them, especially those related to wars.

The curious German bunkers named after animals built in France in 1918
Mjösjöfortet: a strange and huge fortress built in 1910 and today plunged into darkness

An example of this is the place that we are going to see today, an old fortress from the First World War that is being swallowed by vegetation. The German channel Simply Adventure posted a video on Monday showing it inside and out, but giving almost no information about its location. The labels in the description only give a clue, with the place name Verdun, a French town near which a brutal battle between the French and Germans took place , killing more than 300,000 soldiers on each side.

The fortress had armored artillery towers, one of which appears destroyed in the video. Most of the accesses to the fortification are walled up and its interior is certainly labyrinthine. There are some galleries that are in very good condition and the fortress hardly has any signs of vandalism (there is only one graffiti), but there are other galleries that are demolished or in very poor condition. Maybe that explains why it was sealed. The fortress seems to be surrounded by a fairly high moat. I'll just leave you with the video (it's in German but it has English subtitles, you can activate them in the bottom bar of the player):

You can see here some captures of the video. Here we see the walls of the great moat that surrounds the fortress.

The main drum of the fortress, dark in color and with wide openings at the bottom.

A shattered armored tower. The remains of the cannon that occupied the tower are still there.

A smaller, also shattered, armored dome, seen from outside the fortress.

Some shattered stairs inside the fortress. There are other stairs in better condition that lead down to a lower level, but the scouts did not go through them, probably for safety reasons.

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