During World War II, the only US incorporated territory that the Japanese managed to conquer was Alaska.
In early June 1942,a force of between 6,000 and 7,000 Japanese invaded the islands of Attu and Kiska in the Aleutian archipelago, located in southwestern Alaska. It was one of the harshest and most inhospitable scenes of the war in the Pacific, and was the first time that American soil had been invaded by a foreign force since the war of 1812 against the British.
In the summer of 1943, a joint US-Canadian force succeeded in driving the Japanese out of the Aleutians. In anticipation of new attacks by Japan in the archipelago, the US Armed Forces established bases and fortifications on the Alaskan coast. Today those ancient defenses are abandoned and are an attractive place for explorers. Yesterday, the channel Outdoor Boys posted a video showing one of those old WWII military bases, located on an uninhabited island (the video does not indicate which island it is).
Below you can see some screenshots of this video. Here we see an access to some underground galleries.
The base of an old anti-aircraft artillery position, or so it seems from its size.
The main bunker of this military base, covered by moss.
On the lintel of the access to the bunker two inscriptions can be read: "U.S.E.D." and 1943. The year indicates the date of construction, and U.S.E.D. are the acronyms for United States Engineering Department, dependent on the US Army Corps of Engineers.
The cold, dark and damp interior of the bunker. It seems like the ideal place to shoot a horror movie.
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