A secret and never-finished facility to produce synthetic fuel

Eisenkies, a large World War II underground factory related to the German Me-262 jet

Esp 8·30·2023 · 22:46 0

During World War II, Allied bombing forced Germany to move its industry underground.

The MRU, a mysterious underground city of nazi Germany with 80 km of tunnels
A secret underground facility of the World War II German V2 rocket program

These facilities were dedicated mainly for the military industry. One of those facilities, whose official name was Project Schwalbe I and codenamed Eisenkies, was installed near the city of Hemer, 28 kilometers southeast of Dortmund, in western Germany, taking advantage of the Menden mine. According to the website Battlefieldsww2.com, < strong>The construction of this factory began in the fall of 1944 to produce synthetic fuel, especially for the Messerschmitt Me-262 Schwalbe, a model famous for being the world's first mass-produced jet fighter.

To build this factory, the Nazi regime used 10,000 slave workers, mostly prisoners of war. In total, they removed 800 tons of limestone over 10 months. The construction of the factory was stopped in March 1945, without being completed, due to the advance of the allies. Finally, the US Army freed the hundreds of slave workers who had been left there by the Nazis. It is one of the few underground factories from World War II that were not destroyed and, according to the aforementioned website, it is used today as a training place for the special forces of the German Police.

The channel Randomlife.official published a video this afternoon in which explorers Germans tour these facilities(the video is in German, you can activate the automatic subtitles in English in the bottom bar of the player):

Here we can see some screenshots from the video. This is the main entrance to the factory, now sealed. The explorers managed to gain access through some metal panels on the side.

One of the factory tunnels. The entire facility looks as if it never even received the equipment to make the synthetic fuel.

One of the mine wagons used during the excavation of the factory. It is abandoned in the same place where it was left in 1945.

One of the drill bits used by slave workers to drill dynamite holes during excavation. In the background we see one of those holes.

Abandoned pipes at another entrance to the factory. In this part of the tunnels there are quite a few water leaks.

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