During a FAMET air assault exercise with the Paratroper Brigade

The Spanish Army shows the load capacity of its Chinook heavy helicopters

The largest helicopters of the Spanish Armed Forces are the CH-47 Chinook of the Airmobile Forces of the Land Army (FAMET).

'Thank you Spain': Slovenia is moved by the help of a CH-47F helicopter of the FAMET
The delivery operation of a CH-47F Chinook helicopter to Spain with an American C-17

These two-rotor giants are assigned to the Transport Helicopter Battalion V (BHELTRA V), which is based at the "Coronel Maté" Base, in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid). Spain purchased a total of 19 CH-47s in two batches: the first 10 were of the CH-47C variant and arrived in Spain in 1973, while the second batch was purchased in 1982, with a total of 9 CH-47D. Two of the helicopters were lost in accidents and 17 CH-47s remain operational today, currently being upgraded to the CH-47F variant.

Yesterday, the Spanish Army released an interesting video that shows the load capacity of these heavy helicopters, specifically one of the new CH-47F, the ET-423 (HT.17-23A). The images were recorded during a joint air assault exercise with the VI "Almogávares" Parachute Brigade (BRIPAC):

In the images we see the lifting process using slings of two L-118 105 mm caliber light guns. Each one has a weight of 1,858 kilograms.

The video also shows images of the lifting of a Uro VAMTAC tactical vehicle. Specifically, the one in the video looks like a VAMTAC S3 used as a platform for launching Mistral short-range surface-to-air missiles.

The CH-47 is an excellent helicopter and a veteran model, but at the moment it does not have a substitute that is at its level. With its recent modernization to the Foxtrot variant, it still has a lot of useful life ahead of it.

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