The clues we have left of what that world was like in its very remote past

A visual tour of the surface of Mars and what the geography of this planet indicates

Of all the planets in the Solar System, the one that most inspires space exploration is Mars, since it is the most similar to Earth.

Phaethon, the hypothetical fifth planet that has never been found between Mars and Jupiter
A video that imagines what the next 300 years of space colonization could be like

Today, Mars is a planet with arid and desolate landscapes, but it was not always like this. Its surface offers us clues to a very remote past, millions of years ago, in which Mars had seas and rivers, larger than those on Earth. An interesting video from the channel Kosmos takes a visual tour of the current surface of our neighboring planet, and shows the clues it offers us about what it was like in that remote past:

The video includes some fabulous computer recreations that show us what Mars is like and its main geographical features. You can see some screenshots here as a preview.

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