A catastrophe that, if it happens, will surely not be seen by humanity

The excellent short film that shows an impact of the Moon against the Earth

In the distant future, perhaps billions of years from now, the Moon may end up colliding with the Earth.

The strange object that has been emitting radio signals from space to Earth for 35 years
The Tabby's Star, the enigmatic object that made people dream of an alien megastructure

It is a remote possibility, since currently the Moon is moving away from the Earth. If that impact were to occur, surely humanity would no longer exist and would no longer be able to witness the destruction of our planet and its satellite, which would be the foreseeable result of that collision. However, we always have imagination and cinema.

Precisely, this Thursday MetaBallStudios has published an excellent short film that shows what it would be like that impact if it occurred today. It is, without a doubt, one of the best videos that this interesting channel has published to date. The impact is shown from different points in New York City and, finally, from space:


Photo: NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University.

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