A parade of the Music Unit and a picket line of the Tercio de Levante

The Spanish Marine Infantry and its striking procession step in Cartagena

Esp 3·26·2024 · 21:57 0

Holy Week is a commemoration of the passion and death of Christ, which in Spain is celebrated with processions in many cities.

Spain: the events of Holy Week 2024 with the Armed Forces and the Security Forces
Spanish Marine Infantry: the units that make it up and their material resources

In many Spanish towns, and on a strictly voluntary basis, members of the Armed Forces and the Security Forces parade escorting some of these processions. These parades always attract a lot of attention and admiration from the public, regardless of their religious beliefs. In Cartagena, one of the Spanish cities most closely linked to the Navy, the Tercio de Levante of the Marine Infantry participates in the Procession of the Transfer of the Apostles on Holy Tuesday and in the Holy Burial procession on Good Friday.

For years, the Music Unit and the Tercio de Levante picket that escorts these processions have paraded with the so-called procession step, which consists of raising the foot until it is almost perpendicular to the ground. It is a step commonly known in Spain as "paso de la oca" (goose step) and is not common in the Spanish Armed Forces.

This Monday, the Chief Admiral of the Cartagena Military Arsenal, Vice Admiral Alejandro Cuerda Lorenzo, reviewed the soldiers who will participate in this year's processions. After the review, a parade was held in which the soldiers marched with the procession step. Luseracanal has published a video of this event:

You can see some screenshots of this video here:

Vice Admiral Alejandro Cuerda Lorenzo reviewing the soldiers of the Tercio de Levante picket.

The Tercio de Levante Music Unit leading the parade, with the procession step.

The Tercio de Levante picket line at one point in the parade. The soldiers carry M43 Coruña rifles, a Spanish derivative of the German Kar-98K that today is used only for ceremonial purposes.

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