The Tercio 'Don Juan de Austria' paraded on the occasion of Holy Week

Some excellent photos and the complete video of the Legion's landing in Malaga

One more year, following tradition, the Legion has landed in Malaga to carry out the solemn transfer of the Christ of the Good Death.

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This year it was the turn of the Tercio "Don Juan de Austria" 3rd of the Legion, based in Viator (Almería), which has encountered an unwanted guest, the rain, when disembarking in the port of Malaga aboard the transport ship "Contramaestre Casado" A-01 of the Spanish Navy. Fortunately, the bad weather has offered a pause in the moment of the transfer of the Christ of the Good Death, which we can see in this video published by the Malaga City Council:

This time, Queen Sofía presided over the disembarkation and reviewed the legionnaires after they formed up in the port. This afternoon, the Malaga City Council has published an excellent series of photos of the landing and transfer, which you can see here:

Finally, you can see here the full video of the live broadcast made by 101tv Málaga showing the landing, the parade of the Legion through Malaga and the transfer of the Christ of the Good Death:

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